
Bookcase of the Week - Staring... Brianna, The Book Vixen

I'm excited about this week's guest on the Bookcase of the Week.  It is with great pleasure that I bring you Brianna's (otherwise known as The Book Vixen) bookcases.  I ran into Brianna's blog earlier this year and I've been a faithful follower ever since.  I love that we both  have the same reading tastes so mostly whatever I find that she likes I will most likely enjoy just as much.  But enough bragging about Brianna's awesomeness.  Let me show you what she sent us:

Here is my TBR pile. Saying that it's overwhelming is an understatement. You can't really tell in this picture but some books are doubled up. There are so many books on this shelf that I want to read right NOW. There's really no rhyme or reason of how this shelf is organized other than I try to keep books in a series together, most of the hardcovers are on the top shelf and my review requests stay together so I know exactly where they are.

And yes, I have magazines in my TBR pile (very bottom shelf). Some of those mags are over a year old. Needless to say, I have stopped all my subscriptions. Now I just need to read thru them.

Here is my "read" shelf. It looks pretty scarce and that's because I don't keep every book I read. I keep my favorite books/series and  all books that are signed to me. I have 2 projects that I'm working on:

(1) I'm collecting all of Nicholas Sparks' novels in hardcover (in case you might not already know, I'm a HUGE Sparks fan). I am 2 books away from reaching this goal. One book, A Walk to Remember, I can't seem to find in hardcover; the other book, Dear John, is in the post on its way to me. Once I get Dear John in the mail, I'll be doing a post on my blog with before and after pictures. All the Nicholas Sparks books you see in this picture are the books I had originally gotten, most of which are in paperback and second hand.  

(2) I'm  collecting the entire Harry Potter series (US version) in hardcover. I foolishly sold books 1-5 at a yard sale (I know, I know!!). When books 6 and 7 came out I was wise enough to keep them. I'm 3 books away from having the entire series.

Here's where I do some of my reading. I love this couch, it's so nice and comfy. It's actually a darker brown than what the picture depicts (damn flash). The blanket was crocheted by my mom. 

Here's where all the bloggie magic happens. I'm always drinking ice-cold water and yes, there is always chocolate to be found. Got my calendar so I know when my daughter has school. I usually do not have books on my desk unless they're ones I got in the mail (so I can catalogue them on Goodreads); If I Stay is there because I'll be writing my review very soon. In front of my monitor is my main notebook and my blog calendar/planner.

Brianna - everything is so nice and neat!   Just looking at your pictures makes me want to go and start organizing my shelves - which to be honest, could use a little tidying up.  Your TBR stack is as out of control as mine is...  it makes me happy though.  I love to see how I'm not the only big Nicholas Sparks fan in the blogosphere.  He is one author that I've read and own everything he's ever written.  I actually got the opportunity to meet him earlier this year and he was the nicest guy too - so obviously now I'm even more of a fanatic.  Good luck in finding your missing books for both HP and A Walk to Remember (I'll keep an eye out for a hardcover on that). 

For those of you who haven't passed on through to Brianna's yet, please visit her here (tell her I say HI!)  Plus you have to sign-up for all these great challenges she's hosting in 2011.  I myself will be signing up within the next couple of weeks.

The Book Vixen


  1. So pretty, neat, and organized! You go girl :)

  2. everything is so nicely organized. My desk and bookshelf are not that neat! I only have 1 bookshelf in my apartment so my TBR books, already read books, and textbooks all share the same shelf. I'm planning on making a trip to IKEA next month to pick up another shelf so :)

  3. Brianna please come over and organize my shelves LOL :)

    I love your big comfy couch! I tend to curl up in my office chair--for some reason it is super comfy!

  4. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I have to admit, my desk isn't always that neat and tidy. Though since I cleaned it, it has stayed pretty much tidy since.

    I just got Dear John in the mail yesterday so my NS collection is complete (with the exception of A Walk to Remember)!! You can see most of my NS hardcovers in my reading challenge button. I'll also be doing a post with some before and after pictures.

    Nely - I met NS this year too and like you, I'm an even bigger fanatic now :)

    Thanks for having me Nely!

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Lovely Shelfs!! Wow "Book Vixen" you are very organized...:D

  6. I love Brianna's blog as well and have her on my daily blog roll(along with you). I have a TBR to put that one to shame though! LOL

    I so wish my desk looked like that, but I can barely find the mouse half the time because of papers and childrens artwork that ends up on top of the pile!

  7. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Tina - my shelves are usually nice and neat. My desk, well that's a different story ;)

    Amy J - I'm proud to say that my desk is still pretty much in order...at least for now. I had to do some major cleaning when Nely asked me to be part of this feature!

  8. I love the bookshelves! and I wish my little desk stayed tidy :) But what I really envy is that chair!!! I don't think I would leave it!

  9. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Natalie - it is pretty comfy :)

  10. Great pics. So nice and tidy. Very nice!
    Natalie :0)

  11. This blog is just too cute :)

    Ok on to the reason I came here, BV :) and wow, you re one organized woman. I fear my shelves are a mess, half the books are here, half at my parents since I have no room. A travesty

  12. I can't get over how neat and tidy your workspace is! Don't tell my husband!

    Thanks for sharing your bookspace and I'm so jealous of your comfy sofa!!

  13. So cute!! I love how your TBR is overflowing compared to your read bookcase lol. I also love the look of your desk, very organized. :)

  14. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I'm glad to have fooled everyone into thinking that my desk is always that tidy :)

  15. Book Vixen!

    LOL! Your shelves look very organized! I love it! To have so many great reads at your fingers may be overwhelming but it is also very cool.

    I am also on the hunt to collect some of my fav books as hardbacks. It has been a challenge because sometimes when you special order them they are a different size. Grrrr.

    And... *hangs head* I canceled all my magazine subs, too. Just no time.

  16. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Missie - My TBR shelf is a big tease. I see all the books I've been dying to read just sitting there, staring me in the face. I really need to read faster.

    I ran into a couple of duds while I was collecting NS hardcovers but overall, it was well worth it. He is one of my favorite authors and I love his stories.

    The magazine stash is just embarrassing. I don't know when I'll ever go thru them. They'll be outdated by the time I do. LOL

  17. Anonymous6:50 PM

    You have not only beaten by TBR pile but kicked its @ss. That is something else. Thanks for sharing!

    Stephanie G
    Paranormal Haven

  18. YAY! Two of my most favourite bloggers in one place. Brianna - I love your bookcases... and my goodness your TBR pile is huge - I don't feel so bad now as I have a gigantic pile too. :)

  19. I just adore this "Bookcase of the Week" idea. I have to go through your blog now and read all of them!
    I followed you here from Vixen's blog, actually. Have made myself a follower of yours.
    Please hop on by to visit me, too, sometime!
    Deb/Bookish Dame

  20. Brianna,
    You and I would shiver in our boots at each other's houses!! LOL I'm your virtual opposite, dear friend!

    My bookshelves are packed in random order that only I can fathom. Books are stacked on the floor in piles near my bedside and my reading chair and on my cocktail table...so I consider my house cozy like a professor's office. A nutty professor's office!

    I don't know how you keep so very beautifully organized and cleaned off computer desked! So amazing! Your books and your blog are a credit to you.

    Blog on dear Vixen!!

    Deb/Bookish Dame

  21. Fantastic! I wish I were so organized in some of my workspaces.

  22. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Hi Brianna!

    I love your bookshelves and desk. I wish I had a bookcase that neat. To be honest, I have to get a bookcase(but then where would I put It?). My house is small. My books are all over the bed in one of my unused bedrooms.
    Like Juju says, "You go girl!"


  23. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I find it easier to keep my bookshelves clean and organize than my desk. LOL

  24. Wow -- I am impressed on SO many levels :)

  25. I was shocked to see your real name up there! :)

    Your TBR pile is huge...but you have some great books up there. I think you should definitely take the time off of review requests to read what you want.

    I also no long subscribe to any magazines except People, which was a gift from my MIL.

    Do I see two copies of Twilight up there? :)

  26. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Kelli - You have a sub to People?!! I'm jealous! It's too expensive so I don't get it. Yup, there's 2 copies of Twilight. One is signed :)

  27. Wow... very organized and tidy. So opposite with my desk and shelves hahaha.

    Nely, I love Bookcase of the Week. I'm always waiting for it.

  28. I love her! I follower her blog and her Goodreads.

    Great pics!

    ♥ Vanessa ♥
