
Rosebush by Michele Jaffe

Title: Rosebush
Author:  Michele Jaffe
Pages: 304
Genre: YA/ Mystery

Jane doesn't understand how it is that she wakes up in the hospital.  She doesn't remember anything from the night before.  They tell her there was a party, possibly underage drinking, then they are pulling her broken body out from a rosebush.  What first looks like a hit and run accident turns out to be something more when she begins receiving threatening messages.  The only problem, no one believes her.  Will Jane figure out who is trying to kill her before it's too late?  

Ms. Jaffe does a phenomenal job in getting you fully immersed in the mystery that revolves around Jane, the party, her accident and the fact that someone might be trying to kill her.  With so many different angles I found myself doubting and finding everyone that came into the picture suspicious.  I love that!   

Although, at first, I wasn't a big fan of Jane, she was one of the popular "mean" girls from school.  The clothes, the rich friends, the boys, it was all a bit much at first for me.  But she began to grow on me.  I liked to read of how her friendships came to be, her past as just an average teenager to becoming one of the most popular girls in her school, etc.  I also really liked hearing her thoughts and seeing how she worked out through this mystery. My only complaint (and it's a small one) is about all the other characters that were introduced.  There were so many supporting characters that I had a tough time keeping them on track.  I even found myself having to flip back to make sure I had the right one a couple of times.  Not only were there a lot of these supporting characters, but most of them played crucial parts in the grand scheme of things so you HAD to remember who they were and how they came into play.  At first, this was tedious for me, but little by little I began to get them all in order and eventually it all worked out.

The story itself and the mystery were what kept me reading though.  I enjoyed putting my amateur sleuth skills to the test.  I, of course, kept changing "the bad guy" constantly, and with all the twists and turns well.... you can't blame me.  It was fun.  It kept me on my toes and at the edge of my seat.  What more can you ask for from a mystery/thriller?  Riddled with suspense, romance and lots of secrets to uncover this is one mystery you'll love to solve.

My Rating:


  1. This sounds like something I wouldn't usually read, so maybe that's why it's sounding so fun right now. A change of pace :)

  2. Since I was going to write pretty much the exact same comment as the person above me, I will just say good review!

  3. Glad to hear this book is good. I was thinking about buying it but I second guessed myself. Thanks for the review.

  4. I have this one on my TBR and I'm glad you liked it! Can't wait to read it.
    I really like your site and I'm your newest follower!

  5. I thought this was one of the best books I read last year. Certainly one of the best written mysteries in YA!
