
The Diamond of Darkhold by Jeanne DuPrau

Title: The Diamond of Darkhold
Author: Jeanne DuPrau
Pages: 304
Genre: YA /Dystopian
Source: Library

This may just be one of my favoritest kids book series - aside from Harry Potter, A Series of Unfortunate Events and a few others.  It definitely holds its place right up there with the great ones.  

In The Diamond of Darkhold - we are brought back to the present day to where Lina and Doon have escaped Ember and have been living in Sparks for months now.  Emberites are not used to extreme weather conditions - and this first harsh winter above ground is really leaving its mark.  Especially when it comes to their health and food rations.  When a roamer makes her way to their town they come across a book that they immediately realize references Ember.  But the book is all torn up and only has a handful of pages in it.  Lina and Doon make it their mission to decipher the book and uncover the mysterious device it mentions within its pages... even if it means making their way back down to the abandoned (and now completely dark)  City of Ember.

Lina and Doon are back on an adventure. The story is fast-paced and full of the quirky characters we have all come to love through the earlier books in the series.  We also meet a number of new characters - some you love and some you love to hate.  

This series has had its ups and downs for me.  I loved The City of Ember and The People of Sparks was okay.  Then there was The Prophet of Yonwood which I liked the least.  But this book captured the part of Ember that made it such a fantastic book for me.  It had all of the adventurous elements that I loved from the start as well as it brought us back on track to the original story line.  I especially liked the ending.  I truly enjoyed how everything wrapped up - how every character and every book made sense... had a purpose. The final outcome, to me, was perfect (maybe a little too rushed - but otherwise, perfect).

The Diamond of Darkhold is the fourth and final book in the Ember series.  I recommend they be read in order for it to make sense.  These books are geared for younger kids (3rd grade and up) - and you can tell by the simple writing and the not fully fleshed-out characters, but if you're like me, that won't stop you from picking this one up.  Nonetheless, this series is pretty addictive.  I mean who doesn't want to read about kids saving the world, right? 

My Rating:


  1. OMG I SO need to read this series.

  2. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Oh I LOVE this series! This book happened to be my favorite out of all of them! :)

  3. I've been a fan of The City of Ember for ages. I liked the second book as well, it was good. Prophet of Yonwood however, put me off continuing with this series because it was terrible.

  4. I have to say the cover really hits a nerve LOL..Maybe it's the contrating colors. I will definitely put this on my TBR list. I will just need a book cover :)
