As the people of Yonwood struggle to not sin and follow the prophets translated instructions, Nickie explores the odd town and its residents. She begins to investigate her great-grandfather’s home and peculiar belongings, as well as meet some of her neighbors - particularly a reclusive neighbor who studies the heavens and a boy who is obsessed with snakes - and all this, while trying to reach her goals (i.e. living permanently in Yonwood, falling in love and finding a way to help the world).
Sadly, I really couldn’t get into this book. I would advise not reading this book directly after The People of Sparks, the feel is so different that it will probably not hold you in the same way. Only the epilogue really ties to the ember saga itself. Probably a good book overall, but I was disappointed since I expected a stronger connection to Ember. I'm glad I read it because of the last few pages, but overall, it was disappointing. I will read the fourth book (The Diamond of Darkhold) but only because I still have that spark of hope for this series.
I still need to read the first book in this series. I saw the movie and really liked it.
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I haven't read any of these yet. Thanks for the review.
Since I didn't read the other one... no reason for me to pick up this one, I guess.
I felt the same way about this one. It was such a jolt with the shift in characters, time and place.
Diamond of Darkhold is great, though! I hope you like it.
its kinda weird!!! sorry if you liked it but i think it strange by the way i saw the city of ember the movie and the book they are awsome!!!
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