
The Reader by Bernard Schlink

The Reader is the story of a young man's association with an older woman. It is the story of how relationships can affect and eventually structure our lives. Michael Berg (15 y/o) meats Hanna (36 y/o) and has a short but life-changing affair with her. Years later, he is a witness to her trial for crimes commited during the Holocaust.

Not for the squeamish, this book hits hard and will stay with you later. To oversimplify it, it comes down to one step affecting the next and the subsequent deterioration of moral structure.

I like the way it ruminates on the mixed feelings of guilt, enlightenment, culpability and self-righteousness of Germany’s second generation following the generation that perpetrated the Holocaust.


Beth F said...

I have heard sooooo many great things about this book. I really should read it, but I have no clue when I'll get to it. BTW: I understand the audio is awesome.

Penguin Moms said...

I just wrote down the title and author of this one and am going to go hunting for it. I think it sounds like a powerful read!

Tash said...

This sounds like a good book. Gosh looks like everyday I'm adding a new book to my TBR list!

Anonymous said...

Yes, many of Oprah's picks are intense like this. I am leaning towards Beth's suggestion of audio though. My reading list is so long! I can always use another

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