I've mentioned before that I L♥VE Country Music! So this week I'm highlighting my favorite country singer BRAD PAISLEY. Firstly, he's uber hot, secondly I love his music, thirdly he can throw a mean concert, he's uber hot fourthly.... well, I guess I can keep going with this (I'm sure you catch my drift). He's obviouly not new to most of you but for those of you who aren't country music fans, let me introduce you to MY man, Brad Paisley:
She's Everything
It Did
We Danced
Whiskey Lullaby
More upbeat, fun songs
The World
Letter to Me
It Did
We Danced
Whiskey Lullaby
More upbeat, fun songs
The World
Letter to Me
(sighs) I know, I know, I'm going on and on... but what can I say, he's Brad Paisley.
Thursday Tunes is once again being hosted by S.Krishna. For everyone else's picks this week, please click on over to her site.

New to me, but enjoying the tunes (and videos!)
I enjoy Brad Paisley's music! I love his songs...great lyrics.
Love your choice!!!!
I don't listen to much country, so I'll have to give Brad Paisley a try! Thanks for playing!
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