1. Recently Berleen and I discovered the allure of the Twilight series. Have you ever been sucked in to the latest "thing"? (Like Harry Potter, the movie Titanic, social networking, etc. etc. etc.) I absolutely get sucked in by everything. I suffer a bit from OCD (self-diagnosed, of course). I get obsessive over everything. I don't ever want something... I NEED something! I can get pretty out-of-control at times.
2. What software do you use for your email? It depends what computer I'm using. Mostly I use Outlook.
3. Are you comfortable being nude? Nope. I don't think a lot of people are - yet you will catch me streaking around the house late at night.
4. What is something you plan on doing this summer? I plan on taking the kids to Walt Disney World (we do it every year) - one of the best things of living in South Florida; it's only a 4 hour drive.
5. Do you have a favorite movie/book quote? If so, what is it? Fave movie is Moulin Rouge. Fave quote from the movie: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
6. How many email addresses do you have? I have 5 e-mail addresses (see what I mean about the OCD)
7. Is the sky falling? Sure is.
8. Have you been to the Grand Canyon? Nope. I'm dying to go back to Vegas and take a tour and the Skywalk thingamajigger they did.
9. When was the last time you mailed a hand written letter? I can't even remember. I think it was while I was on my honeymoon (5 years ago) and it was to myself.
What did you write to yourself on your honeymoon?
Dare I ask?!?
I actually wrote to myself - how corny is that, I know. I wrote to myself a very detailed (winks) letter about everything that I did and where I went and I mailed it out from Hell, in the Caiman Islands (our last port - we were on a cruise) I just didn't want to forget anything. I still have the letter and it's quite the memento.
I understand about the OCD thing. I do that too. I watched the movie Twilight and then had to immediately read all the books. LOL
Great answers! Thanks for playing. :)
I know what you mean about seeing something and wanting it to the point of obsession. Tried that with a few cars like the PT Cruiser and Mercury Mariner-never got them! ; )
My brother is going through our mom's papers as he is moving in with her and found the postcard I sent the family from our honeymoon in Cancun-it's 25 yrs old!
Great answers. Stop by sometime...
No streaking? That's dull. :)
Hey neighbor! I'm in East-Central Florida. I played too! Check out my answers, HERE!
I think it's sad how few people have gone to GC. I haven't been either. :(
Happy Thursday!
I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one with multiple email addresses!
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