
Thursday Thunks (4/23/09)

This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen, the color eggshell and the number 101.

1. If you could skywrite anything you wanted, what would it be? You are my sunshine.

2. Did you get drunk at your prom? Yes, but don't ask me about it, because I don't remember any of it.

3. What is your favorite spice to use cooking? Water - that's all that you need to make mac-n-cheese in the microwave. I don't cook.

4. What color is your roof? I believe it's a color called dirty. Underneath the soot I think it's red. I've been after the hubby for a while now to get it pressure cleaned.

5. In a land far, far away I was able to sleep in. I haven't been able to sleep in for a little over 3 years. Yes, that's my oldest daughter's age - she wakes up at the crack of dawn.

6. In the Miss USA pageant, Miss California was asked; "Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?" and her answer was; "Well I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. Um, we live in a land that you can choose same sex marriage or opposite marriage and, you know what, in my country and in, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman," Carrie said to a mix of boos and applause. "No offense to anybody out there. But that's how I was raised and that's how I think that it should be between a man and a woman." Do you think that cost her the crown? I have no idea, but I would guess that it did.

7. Do you watch Miss USA/Miss America pageants? No - thus I can't answer the question above.

8. Have you ever driven/ridden on a tractor? No - but I've always wanted to do that and sing "She Thinks My Tractor is Sexy" - then again, I'd probably fall off and get run over by the dang thing.

9. For the parents - what cartoon/children show did your child watch obsessively? (Hey, if you aren't a parent, maybe a niece or nephew...) OMG, really? Are we going there? I am an obsessive person (if y'all remember from last week's post) and my kids have come out with the same trait. If we watch Barney - we watch Barney for a whole month (the same one) over and over. This week it's the Cat in the Hat with Mike Myers ... yes, I know the words by heart. Just in case you were wondering.

10. If I set a level on your living room floor - would it show that it was level? Yes, I'm a perfectionist and I live in Florida. The only hills we have are trash piles.

11. What was the last restaurant you ate at? Chipotle. It's my new favorite thing.

12. What's the picture on your wall calendar for this month? My kids with milk mustaches.

13. Are you superstitious? Sometimes. But not really.

14. If I get into your car and turn on the radio - what type of radio station will I hear? None. It's a Dora DVD that I have playing for the kids. Yes, it's a minivan equipped with a tv so that the kids don't drive me to drink and drive.

15. Would you rather wake up with a snake in your bed or a lizard? Snake (winks) (snorts) (giggles)

16. Do you think schools have changed at all since the Columbine tragedy 10 years ago? In what ways? I believe so - at least we are now aware that something that terrible can happen. Before then, I personally had never seen or heard of anything like that happening in a school.


Vanessa said...

I like your number 5. Trust me, I feel your pain. My little one was up at 4:15 this morning.

If you head over to my blog, you'll find an award waiting for you.

Carey said...

I love your favorite spice... That's how I used to be! I played too... check out my answers, HERE!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh. My boyfriend is a farmer and I was totally singing "She thinks my tractors sexy" to him the other day. Too funny. :D

Melissa O. said...

Great answers!

I have a little something for you on my blog. You can pick it up here.

Ashley said...

I also have something for you on my blog! I recently discovered your blog and have added it my Google Reader. :)

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