This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen & Kimber via phone & Skype conference, the color mango and the number 70566.
1. What color is your front door? Dark brown
2. We discussed our folks in previous TT so now tell me about your siblings. If you are an only child, tell me whether or not you wanted siblings, older, younger etc. I have two older - a brother and a sister and a younger brother (whom I am the closest to).
3. What color/type butterfly is your favorite? Sorry, not an insect lover. Not a butterfly lover, nor a dragonfly lover, nor a ladybud lover - you get the picture. I detest bugs.
4. Will you be celebrating Cinco De Mayo? Nope - although we might go out for .50 cent Corona's.
5. Oprah- love her, hate her, or don't care? She doesn't bother me any.
6. Are you worried about the spread of swine flu? Absolutely. I feel like I need to quarantine myself along with my family - like yesterday.
7. Hard or soft pillows? Hard (hehe)
8. How many trees are in your neighbor's yard? None. It's a new community - we got bushes though.
9. What was the color of the last car you saw? I don't remember getting to work this morning - much less the last car I saw.
10. When does your driver's license expire? 08/02/2012 - although it might be suspended for a ticket I paid late (story of my life). One time I drove around with a suspended license for like 3 years.
11. Look at the clock on your computer and type the numbers backwards. 01:1
12. When you put your pants on, what leg do you put in first? Left - is that normal? Now I'm doubting myself. Wonderful.
13. How would you respond to this letter if you were an advice columnist.
I am an ugly woman. I was an ugly baby and child even! It is a fact. I am 36 now and I have never had a boyfriend, and I am still a virgin.
Due to me not having men in my life, I have poured everything I have in to education and my career. At 36 I am the youngest (and first female CEO) at a big, successful, tech company. I have over 200 personal patents and millions of pounds in investments.
I have everything: huge house, holiday villa in Spain, 3 cars, power boat, a race horse, etc. but as much I try to talk myself into everything being “great” I cannot help but to miss that special someone to share it all with.
Most of my friends are married with kids and I feel like I am gradually drifting away from them also.
Where can I find someone to marry an ugly woman?
1. What color is your front door? Dark brown
2. We discussed our folks in previous TT so now tell me about your siblings. If you are an only child, tell me whether or not you wanted siblings, older, younger etc. I have two older - a brother and a sister and a younger brother (whom I am the closest to).
3. What color/type butterfly is your favorite? Sorry, not an insect lover. Not a butterfly lover, nor a dragonfly lover, nor a ladybud lover - you get the picture. I detest bugs.
4. Will you be celebrating Cinco De Mayo? Nope - although we might go out for .50 cent Corona's.
5. Oprah- love her, hate her, or don't care? She doesn't bother me any.
6. Are you worried about the spread of swine flu? Absolutely. I feel like I need to quarantine myself along with my family - like yesterday.
7. Hard or soft pillows? Hard (hehe)
8. How many trees are in your neighbor's yard? None. It's a new community - we got bushes though.
9. What was the color of the last car you saw? I don't remember getting to work this morning - much less the last car I saw.
10. When does your driver's license expire? 08/02/2012 - although it might be suspended for a ticket I paid late (story of my life). One time I drove around with a suspended license for like 3 years.
11. Look at the clock on your computer and type the numbers backwards. 01:1
12. When you put your pants on, what leg do you put in first? Left - is that normal? Now I'm doubting myself. Wonderful.
13. How would you respond to this letter if you were an advice columnist.
I am an ugly woman. I was an ugly baby and child even! It is a fact. I am 36 now and I have never had a boyfriend, and I am still a virgin.
Due to me not having men in my life, I have poured everything I have in to education and my career. At 36 I am the youngest (and first female CEO) at a big, successful, tech company. I have over 200 personal patents and millions of pounds in investments.
I have everything: huge house, holiday villa in Spain, 3 cars, power boat, a race horse, etc. but as much I try to talk myself into everything being “great” I cannot help but to miss that special someone to share it all with.
Most of my friends are married with kids and I feel like I am gradually drifting away from them also.
Where can I find someone to marry an ugly woman?
Poor thing - hasn't she ever heard of plastic surgery? Sadly in today's world, a problem like this can be easily resolved with a couple of thousand bucks and a good plastic surgeon. If not, there's always Alaska. (OMG - I'm going to hell for this)
You can't beat 50 cent Coronas. I don't drink beer but I could learn! Great responses. Have a good one...
Ewwww....I want some 50 cent Coronas too! Have a good day
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