I have to say that this might be the most violent book in the series - with a cruxification, a shooting, poisoning, torture, and on the brink of a Faery war. But I also believe it is one of my favorites. For one, Sookie seems to have grown and matured. I liked that she sought protection by pulling in favors owed to her from her Vamp and Were friends - not trying to take charge and handle everything, and possibly getting killed in the process, like she always does. I also noticed the changes in Jason - could he finally be maturing and becoming a man? And then there’s Eric... she now knows that he remembers his days with her...but is their bond strong because of attraction or simply the blood exchanges?
There are still a lot of loose ends - especially when it comes to Sookie’s love life. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am a shameless Eric fan and I’m rooting for him all the way. And, just what exactly did Niall mean at the end??? Which vamp was he talking about???
My only complaint is that it is now over and I’ll have to wait another year or so for the next installment.
Great review. I will link it to my post on Monday. Have a great weekend.
Great review! I LOVED the book! A girl on a discussion board pointed out that Charlaine has said Sookie wil not be turning into a vampire... so what do YOU think will happen to Sookie and Eric? Sookie will eventually get older, and, let's face it, Eric is pretty vain!
**Sigh** I wonder how she's going to make it work without upsetting all her fans...
I would like to check out True Blood one of these days.
I really must read another book in this series! I have only read one and I wasn't blown away... I keep meaning to give it another try!
I. Must. Catch. Up. I haven't read your latest reviews, but will when I find the time to catch up to you.
Wonderful review, I'm only up to book 4 in the series so I've a ways to go. I have Dead and Gone on audiobook.
I just finished the first book in the series, so your review is kind of confusing. I shouldn't have read it but I couldn't help sneak a peek at what happens ahead.
But Sookie and Eric????
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