
Sorry about being MIA

For those of you wondering where I was yesterday, I was dealing with this:

Yep, my two year old fell off my clothes hamper - yes he just rolled off - the thing is a foot off the floor. Obviously he landed wrong because he seems to have fractured his clavicle. So I've been dealing with a fussy baby who is in a lot of pain. Luckily the bone didn't break the whole way through so he only got a sling, a Go Diego, Go! sticker and Motrin for pain. He should be perfectly healed in two weeks.


Linda Nguyen said...

I hope he gets well soon! =(

Anonymous said...

Aww, hope he's feeling better! Thank goodness for short memories. Kids rebound from injuries alot quicker than we parents do!

M. said...

Oh no! Poor baby! Poor mommy! I hope your DH didn't say obnoxious things about not paying attention etc. etc. which I'm sure you've been doing non-stop to yourself ever since!

Ana S. said...

Awww, poor baby! I hope the pain stops soon!

Vasilly said...

Oh no! I'm glad he didn't break the bone completely. I hope he feels better soon.

The Reading Momster said...

SO Sorry to hear that :)
Take care of the fussy litlle cut kiddo :)

Hope he gets well soon :)

Tash said...

oh no! hope he's okay.

Vanessa Book ♥ Soulmates said...

Pobresito!! =*(

Hope he feels better! When are we going to see him again? You need to take him to B&N one of these weekends!

Darlene said...

Oh my goodness, poor little guy. I sure hope he heals up quickly!

Vanessa said...

Aww... poor baby.

Desert Rose said...

Aww the poor baby!! I hope he is all better now :)

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