Don't freak out! - I know Christmas is still over a month away, but I wanted to host a couple of Christmas giveaways and I want them to end with enough time for your books to arrive before all the holiday hoopla. I personally love reading holiday titles. Not only do they make me feel good but they also get me in that "Christmassy" mood. [by clicking on each cover you can find out more info about each book]

Thanks to the good folks at Harper, we have
3 copies available.
Open to US and Canada.

Also from Harper, we have
3 copies available.
Open to US and Canada.

Thanks to the lovely Sarah at Pocket Books, I have
2 copies available. Open to US only.

This is a brand new book - only
1 copy available. Open internationally.

This is a brand new book - only
1 copy available. Open internationally.

This is a brand new book - only
1 copy available. Open internationally.
I'm still working on a couple of others to add in for the HoHoHo Giveaways. I'll keep y'all posted.
RULES: Your comments will enter you in all the giveaways unless otherwise specified. If you have a preference, also mention that in your comment.
As always, leave a comment for one entry. If you'd like extra entries just say so in your comment or separate comments (extra entries for followers, Twitter, blog posts, sidebars, Facebook, etc.) ; and for putting my spiffy little button on your blog. Make sure to leave an e-mail address, especially if you are leaving a comment under Anonymous.
Winners will be drawn on Saturday, November 28.
I just want to be entered to win Matchless please. Great giveaway here!
I'm a follower.
I'd like to enter. I'm a follower here and on Twitter.
I posted this giveaway on my blog:
What a great giveaway! Thanks!
Amy J
I am a follower!
Amy J
I'd love to win anyone of these holiday book:
bibliophilebythesea AT gmail DOT com
thanks so much
Linked in my sidebar
Great giveaway.
I just want to be entered for all the international give aways.
I am a followers
Have your blog button!
Amy J
Great Giveaway!
This is a fab giveaway even it's really early. I'd love to be entered though, christmas stories rock! I'm from the UK so I can't be entered for the 1st 3 books in the list. I follow you on twitter and this blog too XD
Email: miriamfrancos[at]dsl[dot]pipex[dot]com
These all look great. Thanks for the fun giveaway!!
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
How wonderful! On Strike for Christmas looks good to me.
wolferock AT earthlink.net
I would love to be entered for Matchless, please.
I'm a follower...
awesome giveaway, full of awesome books!
Please count me in!
I am a follower
I am also a follower on Twitter (5150mommy)
your blog button is over on the lower right hand side of my blog
I'd like to be entered for all that Canada can be in :)
I'm a follower
I have it listed on my sidebar ( lower right hand side) @ www.5150bookslut.blogspot.com
thanks for the awesome giveaway
I would love any of these.
I'm a follower
Please enter me for all of them. :D
linna.hsu at gmail dot com
i'm a follower
linna.hsu at gmail dot com
Please enter me
I am a follower
I have your button on my blog
Great giveaway!!!
Please enter me to win. I am a Canadian resident.
I follow
I love reading holiday titles too! Christmas is such a great holiday to read about. Please count me in!
I'm a follower.
Blogged: http://goodgonegirl.blogspot.com/2009/11/fabulous-giveaways.html
Linked on the sidebar: http://goodgonegirl.blogspot.com
Anna ♥
Ooh, some great books but I just love Heather Graham and Sandra Harper.
I'm a google friend connect follower
I too, love holiday stories! Please count me in for any of them! Thanks so much.
I'm a follower.
I just love the new look for the holidays! And no, it's not too early to start celebrating. I think the real reason we have them in the winter is because we needed something to get excited for that didn't include white stuff turning to mush in our driveways!
Thanks for the chance at the giveaways. I'd love any of the books you have listed!
I'm a follower on your blog and on twitter.
daniellems78 at gmail dot com
Thank you! You really brightened my day with this Holiday Giveaway! I love holiday stories, and I read them all year long.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I am an email subscriber.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I'm a subscriber...On Strike for Christmas sounds great!
I would like to win any of the Christmas books.
pboylecharley AT hotmail DOT com
please enter me!
I am a follower.
Would love to win any!!..:D I love Christmas...Ive already heard that blasted mariah carey song 6 times this week...all I want for Christmas ms carey is a pair of earmuffs...oh and a book from Nelly.....:D
Im a followerer
Great Giveaway. I love Christmas,I can't wait :)
Please enter me in all but the US only one.
tweeted https://twitter.com/elaing8/status/5634099177
follow you on twitter (@elaing8)
Google friend connect follower
What a fabulous giveaway Nely...please count me in...
karen k
What a wonderful giveaway!!
jennala @ cfl . rr . com
I love reading holiday stories - please count me in
msboatgal at aol.com
I'm a follower
msboatgal at aol.com
So I promised myself I wasn't entering any more book giveaways until I read enough books off my TBR shelves to make space for new additions....but these are Christmas books! I love Christmas books!
I'm a follower too.
And I'm Canadian so I guess that counts me out for one of them (a good one too :()
melacan at hotmail dot com
Please count me in for the giveaway. All look great.
I follow.
I am from overseas so would like to be entered for the international competitions only.
Thanks for offering a choice!
Count me in please!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Please count me in all the books open to Canada.
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
I've now got your button on my blog!!
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
I follow.
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
Amazing giveaway!
Please enter me!
I follow on Google Reader.
APSkap (at) comcast (dot) net
Please put my name in - all of these look good! (but especially Ahern's book, since we share a first name!)
Also, I follow on Blogger.
And on Twitter, if that counts (@celialarsen).
Hiya Girl ! God! WHAT a fantaboulous iveaway!
wow! Thank you :)
I will enter for "On Strike for Christmas", "Matchless", "In Home for Christmas"
givingreadingachance AT gmail.com
I am a Follower on google reader and on google too!!
I have your button on my blog :) That's kind of a very cute button and I love your Christmasy theme :)
I have posted the giveaway on my side bar too :)
I would like to win Matchless please!
+1 sidebar: http://angeltyuan.blogspot.com/
+1 blog post
Please count me in!
+1 I am a follower
I would be thrilled to win any of these books. I can not enter Over The Holidays. Thank you for this nice giveaway!
chinook92 at gmail dot com
Please enter me in the giveaway for all books.
Add an extra entry for me for being a follower.
I subscribe to your blog via Google Reader.
chinook92 at gmail dot com
We are facebook Friends -Lee P...
chinook92 at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter as chinook92 and Tweeted:
chinook92 at gmail dot com
I put you up on my sidebar at twoandahalfbooklovers.blogspot.com
and I'm a follower
What a giveaway. I have not preference.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I follow on google friend.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I am a facebook fan. Doreen Rio
dorcontest at gmail dot com
I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks. wandanamgreb(at)gmail(dot)com
I am a follower of your blog. I also subscribe via Google Reader. wandanamgreb(at)gmail(dot)com
I am a follower of your blog. I also subscribe via Google Reader. wandanamgreb(at)gmail(dot)com
please enter me, I would love any of them
copperllama at yahoo dot com
I am a follower
copperllama at yahoo dot com
friend on facebook
copperllama at yahoo dot com
enter me please :) I have no preference, they all sound great!
+1 i am a follower
All of the books look interesting. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I follow your blog
Wonderful choice of books and any one would do although if it happens to be Matchless I would be really stoked.
Thanks for the chance!
bookcat1010 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower and can be found following you on Google Friend Connect at rubymoonstone/gmail.
contact email:
bookcat1010 at gmail dot com
Ooh, I'd love any of these. Please include me.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
I follow with Google Friend Connect.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
I want to be entered for them all (but not Over the Holidays, which I have already read)
I'm a follower
tweeted it
it's in my sidebar under The Contest List
Oh all these books lovely. Please enter me in the contest. If I had a choice I think it would be between Over the Holidays or The Gift.
I am a follower
I subscribe to google reader
I put your button on my blog
I'd like to entered for all of the above please! =)
I love holiday books too! Getting ready to join your challenge to!
I follow you in Google Reader and twitter!
Great giveaway! Please enter me.
Fab giveaway! :) Count me in! I'm an international entrant so just enter me for books w/c are open internationally. :)
I'm a follower.
linked this on my sidebar:
I am a follower. Enter me for any of them! They all look great!
I'd like to be entered in all of them please. I am a follower on your blog and on twitter (LMsMeeMaw).
sandym204 @ gmail dot com
I would like to be entered to win MATCHLESS. Thank you!!
cyeates AT nycap DOT rr DOT com
I am a follower via Google.
cyeates AT nycap DOT rr DOT com
I'd love to be entered for the international giveaways please. I'm a new follower.
Blog sidebar: http://helenlovesbooks.blogspot.com
Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/lovesbooks81/status/5714791547
What a great giveaway-please enter me for any of the Christmas books except the G. McGuire book.
thank you
chocolate and croissants at yahoo dot com
I would love to be entered into the giveaways open to Canada. And i also follow with google friend connect
This is a wonderful contest-as I mentioned on the Holiday Challenge, I love hoiday books (especially ones with romance) I'm adding all of these to my holiday challenge list.
I am a follower!
What a great giveaway!! All of the books sound great. Please enter me for each of them except for the one that is open to US residents only.
Thanks so much for the entry!
I am a follower.
lovemykidsandbooks AT gmail DOT com
I have added your button to my blog!
I wrote a blog post about this giveaway!
I added your blog to my sidebar!
They all look wonderful and I would be pleased to win any of them.
I'm a follower on google connect.
mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net
Thats for chance to win an early Christmas present!
Okay, first off, let me say that I LOVE your holiday blog design! It's so cute and festive! I too love reading books related to the holiday at hand....they get you in the right spirit every time.
Second, count me in on the great giveaway! Preference wise, I would like to enter for Over the Holidays, Matchless, and The Gift.
That's all for now....off to link on my blog's sidebar! (http://insatiablereaders.blogspot.com)
What a great giveaway, perfect to get everyone in the holiday spirit.
Oh and I am a follower! Thanks!
What an amazing giveaway! Count me in! Any title is fine,,,I'm not choosy!
kkhaas at bellsouth dot net
+1 I am a follower
kkhaas at bellsouth dot net
I would love to win all but THE GIFT and WISHIN' AND HOPIN" as I have those and am giving them away. I really would like ON STRIKE FOR CHRISTMAS the most but any of the rest are great. I love holiday books, don't you?
thanks for the chance!
kdhaney (AT) gmail dot com
I am a follower
kdhaney (AT) gmail DOT com
fun giveaway. i'm partial to the Wally Lamb but they all sound like great reads.
I follow.
I'm a old follower and big fan please please enter me.
Great giveaway. I would love to be entered for Matchless or Home in Time for Christmas. Those are 2 of my favorite authors.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I am a follower.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Posted it here: http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2009/11/contests-found-this-week_15.html
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Linked on sidebar here: http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/
Twitter follower
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Ooh ooh ooh! Just in time for the 2009 Holiday Reading Challenge!!
Farrah from The Book Faery Reviews
thebookfaeryreviews AT gmail DOT com
I am a Google AND Twitter (@farrah1230) follower. Tweeted about the giveaway here: http://twitter.com/farrah1230/status/5756320545.
Thanks for the chance!
Please enter me for Matchless. Thank you!
Extra entries:
- I'm a follower
- I tweeted about your contest here: http://twitter.com/alessandra83/status/5762275354
- Following you on Twitter as @alessandra83
Please count me in. Thanks for the great giveaway. I just love anything to do with Christmas.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
I'm a Facebook fan (Beth Book Review).
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
Please enter me - they all look wonderful.
I'm a follower.
I'd be happy to receive any of the books. They all look great.
I think I'd like to read Matchless but they all sound good!
I'm now a follower
I linked your contest on my sidebar @ http://goodgollymisshollybooks.blogspot.com/
please sign me up. i am a follower; thanks
bibliophilebythesea AT gmail DOT com
I love christmas books! Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!
Aimala127 AT gmail DOT com
I'm a follower!
Aimala127 AT gmail DOT com
Came here via Veens's blog... Thanks for hosting this beautiful giveaway..
I would like to enter too, for Wishin' and Hopin' and Over the Holidays...
Please count me in.
Please enter me for all the international giveaways! Thanks!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Please count me in for all of these great books. walkerd@primus.ca
Hi there, please enter me for your giveaway. I just became a follower. I also mentioned it here.
I tweeted.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower, and international
I blogged about this giveaway here:
Aimala127 AT gmail DOT com
I posted your blog Button on my sidebar at http://homeofaimala.blogspot.com/
Aimala127 AT gmail DOT com
I tweeted this giveaway at:
Aimala127 AT gmail DOT com
Please count me in.
+1 Follower
+1 Posted on blog
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
This is super. Please count me in.
All of the books look good. Thank you for the giveaway.
I'm a follower.
mittens0831 at aol dot com
Please enter me in the International contests!
I love reading holiday books & this is a nice assortment. Please count me in ~ Thanks!
I follow in GFC
I'm a friend on Facebook (Cheryl Snyder)
I subscribe via Google Reader
WOW!! What a selection of books.
Please enter me.
I'm a follower via Google Reader.
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