In today's Bookcase of the Week feature, I bring you Rachel (a/k/a Parajunkee), our favorite New Orlean and one of the most popular chicks I've seen around the book blogosphere. See every time I'm visiting a new blog or something catches my eye about a layout or template, I always check to see who the designer is... and well, it's usually Rachel. But not only does she create great layouts, she also reviews an assortment of books on her blog Parajunkee's View, she runs another blog titled Anya's Room which is geared towards younger readers and then, of course, there's her design blog Parajunkee Design and she's got a day job too. phew
Lucky for us, and my harassing e-mail, begging her to play with us, she gracefully agreed to give us a little tour of her shelves. I don't know why (maybe it's her layouts), but I knew her pictures would be bright and colorful and oh-so eye-appealing. I was not disappointed. Check it out for yourselves:
This is the more intense TBR that I have...the one that I should read first.
This is my TBR, recent reads and overflow shelf.
This is where I blog. My butt is usually planted in front of those screens day in and day out. The computers are a 27" iMac and and old MacBook.
And then the BIG BLUE BALL.This was my Katrina temporary bed (we had to keep on replacing the blow up mattresses when the cats jumped on them) and has turned into my reading nook. If I'm not in my real bed or the tub.
Thanks so much Rachel for sharing your shelves and favorite book reading and blogging accessories with us. I love the colors in your home and I must say that you've inspired me to get my own Big Blue Ball... well, I'll settle for any color (it doesn't have to be blue) but I do love that it looks so comfy. I want one!!!
For those of you who haven't passed on through to Rachel's yet, please visit her here (tell her I say HI!)

Nice bookshelves, that big ball sure looks cozy!
Cool post! Nice bookshelves, Rachel. :) You've got a lot of great reading ahead of you, from what titles I could pick out! Hehe.
Rach- that imac was HUGE....Im second guessing the Dell girl..:D
Nely..your feature is turning out great!!
I'd love to be able to pick a few books from Rachel's shelf.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
I love the bright colors - I'm going to check out her blogs now.
Thanks for having me darlin! I actually had that Big Blue Ball at my work - but kept on having nightmares where I would get laid off and have to roll that thing down as I did the walk of shame, so I took it home and now the whole family loves it.
@Elie, it is this is why the dog, cats and child all fight over it!
@Cass - thanks. Yes, I have too much. But, I try not to sweat it.
@Tina - I love my Macs. I don't even know how to work on a PC now that they came out with 7.
@Steph - you see something you like?? LOL I'll pass it on.
@bermudaonion - Thanks! Hope to see you soon.
Thanks again Nely - this was a great feature, can't wait for who you have next!
i'm a recent follower. Nice blog neli. :) glad to have found it via parajunkee
That was SO cool! I love this feature!
This is so neat!!! Everything is so organized. You make me want to clean up my cave!
Very cool feature! I love the bookshelves. Can't wait to see other bookcases!
Great bookshelves, kickin' computers, and cozy spot to read! Love it all - I especially love her blog designs. I need to send her an e-mail PRONTO. Alison's Book Marks could use a makeover!
Oh wow, I LOVE that red wall! Might have to do that in my library :)
I know I know it's about bookshelves, but I ADORE the 27" iMac and I'm über jealous!! I love everything with the shiny apple and an iMac is so on my "Need to Have" list!!!
Oh and yes, the shelves are awesome too ;)
Those books look so new and shiny, just beautiful.
I've got an old Powerbook G4 so I'm just a little jealous of your 27" machine. :-)
Love the bookcases and the big blue ball!!
I finally saw rach's book shelves and computer :)
Why does it not surprise me that PJ has a blue ball. LOL!
Great post! Very color place for all her book, indeed. Love how she has "priority TBR" and TBR shelves.
Love the colour of the walls. And that lounge ball looks like heaven to lay and read on.
Excellent! I, too, have Big Blue Ball looks so comfy!
{N}: I promise, I'll send my bookshelves soon. DH has my camera in hopes of photographing the prize winnin' elk he plans on baggin' this week.
**Waves Hi Parajunkee!!!** Hugs!
Beautiful shelves! Thank you for sharing!
Great feature! :)
SHe is so organized crazy
Wow, I love the wall colors and the bookshelf and the reading area.. OMG, I love pretty much everything :)
I love Rachel's blog! Thanks for giving us a peak at your shelves :)
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