
Author Interview: Sarah Beth Durst

In honor of Enchanted Ivy's book birthday today, I asked the lovely Sarah Beth Durst to honor me and my little blog with an author interview (my very first) and she agreed... squuueeeee!  Obviously I was excited.  Now, I must first say that I am a novice when it comes to author interviews... why?  well I had never done one before - but I am very excited about Sarah's newest title and I really wanted to hear about it from her.  Here's what she had to say: 

I am fascinated by your latest release Enchanted Ivy. Give us a little insider detail on what it’s about? 
It's about getting into college. You know, taking the campus tour, talking to the gargoyles, flirting with the were-tigers, riding the dragons... While visiting the campus of Princeton University, 16-year-old Lily discovers a secret gate to a magical realm and must race against time to save herself, her world, and any hope she has of college admission.

How did you come up with such fascinating ideas as secret Legacy’s, talking gargoyle’s, etc.?
I had this image of tigers stalking through a college campus at night... Princeton's mascot is a tiger, so that made it a logical choice. The rest of my inspiration came from the campus itself: the gothic towers, the wrought-iron gate, the ancient oaks, and the bizarre gargoyles.

I love books set in boarding schools, universities, etc. Did you have to do any research in order to get a good grip on the setting of Enchanted Ivy?
I drew on my memories for the basics, plus I took two trips to the campus with my camera and my notebook for the details. I traced every step of Lily's journey. I am fascinated by the intersection of fantasy and reality, and I wanted my reality to be as accurate as possible to contrast with the magic.

I love the fantastical feel all your books have. What made you choose fantasy?
I love fantasy, and I think it's important to write what you love. (In fact, I think that's much more important than the old adage "write what you know.") Plus, you know, dragons and were-tigers and talking gargoyles are AWESOME. And I think it's important to write about things that are awesome.

I think fantasy is a vital and often undervalued type of literature. I believe that it restores a sense of wonder and empowerment to people in an age of debilitating cynicism.

Has it been hard to write any of your books? And if so, what advice would you give an aspiring author?
All books are hard sometimes. Every writer I know has days when he or she wants to crawl under the desk, sing lullabies, and wait for the laptop to finish typing the book on its own. But the trick is to figure out ways to coax yourself out from under the desk and write anyway. I recommend chocolate.

Seriously, don't wait for inspiration. And especially don't wait for that glorious chunk of uninterrupted time when you are free from other responsibilities or distractions. It won't happen. Life is busy. If you want to be a writer, you need to squeeze the time out of your day (even if it's just fifteen minutes) and write (even if it's just a paragraph).

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us about Enchanted Ivy?
If you're interested in reading the first chapter, it's here on my website: http://www.sarahbethdurst.com/EnchantedIvy.htm

What does Halloween mean to you? Any childhood memories you’re willing to share with us?
Growing up, I always thought Halloween was the most stressful holiday ever invented (right up there with Valentine's Day). I'd agonize for months about the perfect costume, and then at the last minute, I'd choke and end up wearing a box and saying I was a robot. I have a vivid memory of hurrying through the trees after my older neighbors and getting stuck between the branches... Also, I was so shy that the thought of knocking on a strangers' door was enough to make me want to dive into the shrubbery.

Halloween got much better for me when I was old enough to stay home and help my mom answer the door. Also, this afforded continuous access to our bowl of candy. Win, win.

Are you Team Vampire or Team Werewolf? Or are you another team altogether?
Both and all. I pretty much love all paranormal creatures. Lately, I've been dying to read a book about a were-hedgehog... I think that would be so random that it would slide directly over into awesome.

If you were able to go trick-or-treating with three authors or characters - who would they be, and what would y’all be dressed up as?
I'd be a fairy (because I've always wanted wings and somehow went through my whole childhood without a fairy costume). And I'd want to trick-or-treat with Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Dr. Seuss, all dressed as Star Wars characters. Just because.

Any guilty pleasures you’re willing to share with us?
My primary guilty pleasure is Raisinets. *offers half-eaten bag*

Thanks so much for interviewing me!

And there you have it my lovelies  -  my very first interview.  You can learn more about Sarah Beth Durst, Enchanted Ivy and Sarah's other titles at her blog.  And in celebration of Enchanted Ivy's release *throws confetti and blows party horns*  I have a little something special for you guys.  Not only did I go out and buy myself a copy of Enchanted Ivy, but I also got 2 lucky winners a copy too.

What Lily Carter wants most in the world is to attend Princeton University just like her grandfather. When she finally visits the campus, Grandpa surprises her: She has been selected to take the top-secret Legacy Test. Passing means automatic acceptance to Princeton. Sweet!Lily's test is to find the Ivy Key. But what is she looking for? Where does she start? As she searches, Lily is joined by Tye, a cute college boy with orange and black hair who says he's her guard. That's weird. But things get seriously strange when a gargoyle talks to her. He tells her that there are two Princetons—the ordinary one and a magical one—and the Key opens the gate between them. But there are more secrets that surround Lily. Worse secrets.When Lily enters the magical Princeton, she uncovers old betrayals and new dangers, and a chance at her dream becomes a fight for her life. Soon Lily is caught in a power struggle between two worlds, with her family at its center. In a place where Knights slay monsters, boys are were-tigers, and dragons might be out for blood, Lily will need all of her ingenuity and courage—and a little magic—to unite the worlds and unlock the secrets of her past and her future.

GIVEAWAY:  I have 2 copies up for grabs! 

As always, leave a comment for one entry. If you'd like extra entries just say so in your comment or separate comments (extra entries for followers, Twitter, sidebars, Facebook, my spiffy All About {n} button, etc.) Make sure to leave an e-mail address, especially if you are leaving a comment under Anonymous.

Rules: This contest is open internationally! Winners will be drawn Saturday, October 23.


Tammy said...

Please enter me! I would love to win a copy of this book. I sounds like a great read!

Cass said...

Cool interview! ;D

Sorry, could only skim it, since I'm meant to be studying!

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cc932005 at hotmail dot com

A Watson said...

Nely, first of all; great interview! And secondly; I want to thank you so much for sending me 'Matched' I just finished it last night and I have to say that it is now one of my favorite books. ♥ Alex - A Watson Blog

Unknown said...

Awesome interview! I love the advice for writers. =) Thanks for the giveaway too, I'be been curious about this one since I heard it was about talking gargoyles.

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Jessi E. said...

I would love to win a copy of this book. I am an old follower.

jlelliott08 AT gmail DOT com

Seesen said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

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seesen9 AT gmail DOT com

Brooke T said...

I'd love to enter this contest!!


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Chrystal said...

Please enter me. :) You are the contest queen. *hehe*

Erin said...

Oh, count me in please!


Judit said...

Hi thank you for the giveaway!

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judittten at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Wow!Please enter me.

I'm a blog follower

Judy H said...

This looks fun!

headlessfowl at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...


email: fourth-wonder@hotmail.co.uk

Edna said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a GFC follower.

nalynboni AT gmail DOT com

A Musing Mother said...

I'd love to be entered!

ntaylor228 at yahoo dot com

tabbylewis said...

Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

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marian said...

great interview! would love to win this book!

+1 GFC follower


Theresa said...

This book looks so good! Dragons and Gargoyles...I can't wait!

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Thanks for the giveaway!

Karol Nunes said...

I didn´t know about this book, but now I realy want it :D

Llehn said...

I'd love to play please.

I follow via GFC.


Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

I'd love to enter, thank you!!

inthehammockblog at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

wow, what a plot. This sounds like a fast paced and fascinating story. I'd love to read it.

librarypat AT comcast DOT net

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librarypat AT comcast DOT net

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librarypat AT comcast DOT net

Reading Lassie said...

I love faeries too! They're all so beautiful. Great interview!

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Thanks much!


Kai Agito said...

Please count me in the contest! This is one of my most anticipated reads this year, so excited for Enchanted Ivy!

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Kathy Habel said...

Please enter me!
bkhabel at gmail dot com

Kathy Habel said...

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for this giveaway!

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Total - 5


debbie said...

I would love to read this book. As a fellow raisnet addict, I think it must be good.
I am a gfc follower +1

Jenny said...

Awesome giveaway, thanks! I really want to read this one.

GFC follower
twitter follower


Miss Page-Turner said...

Oh I need to win this one! Have read about it on so many blogs:) Here are my extra entries:

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8 entries, is that correct?
My mail: goldie-mail@web.de

Bookish in a Box said...

Can I join in that trick-or-treat outing too?

whatinabox at gmail dot com

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jpetroroy said...

Please enter me! This looks great.

jpetroroy at gmail dot com

+1 follower

Becky B. @ Bibliognome said...

Nice, this book looks great.

+1 follower via GFC, Becky B.


ladymishel said...

Hoping to win this time =)

twitter follower: michelleame
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Izzy said...

Congrats on your first interview, it was a lot of fun to read!
nizmart at gmail dot com

Marcie said...

I would love to be entered to win this. I'm a follower.

Coral said...

Great giveaway! It looks like a great book.

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Unknown said...

Please enter me in giveaway.

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baychriz at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to be entered to win this book!!

+1 am a follower.



brendajean said...

Loved the interview and I would love to win this book!


Anonymous said...

I would love to read Enchanted Ivy :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy! :)

+1 twitter follower (@city_of_fools)


PinkStuff28 said...

Please Enter Me !!


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Jen (Makeshift Bookmark) said...

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email is makeshiftbookmark (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thanks for this awesome contest opportunity!

Unavailable said...

I loved your interview :) This book sounds awesome!
Thanks for the contest!

Linda said...

Thanks for the chance. I really would like to read this book!!

I'm a follower. :)


brendajean said...

Oh, I forgot to mention, I am a follower:)


VickyTinky said...

Enter me please!

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Marie said...

Please enter me! This book looks really cool!

+1 Follow with GFC

ako4eggs at comcast dot net

Kate said...

I've been wanting this book for a long time. I'm crossing my fingers! Thanks for the giveaway!


+1 GFC follower

Jolene and Family said...

thanks for this giveaway, please enter me
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Seduced By Books said...

seducedbybooks at gmail dot com

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Emma Michaels said...

Ohhh! Please enter me and great giveaway!

Emma Michaels

Nicole C. said...

I would love to read this book.


mindy said...

sounds wonderful thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

Unknown said...

I follow!

I love your comment about writing what you love. It's a good thing for us fantasy readers that we have great authors out there writing about the exciting paranormal stuff we cant' "know" but love anyway. :-)


Name: Aine said...

I want to read this book, so bad! Thanks!

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Lucy Beugeling-Ramos said...
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Lucy Beugeling-Ramos said...
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Lucy Beugeling-Ramos said...
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Lucy Beugeling-Ramos said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
Please enter me!


Lucy Beugeling-Ramos said...

I'm follower of your blog. (Lucy)


Lucy Beugeling-Ramos said...

I tweeted about the contest.


xlacrimax said...

Uh, magical world, nice!

I am following you via GFC.

xlacrimax at gmail dot com

Fi-chan said...

Woot count me in! :D

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feeyonachan at gmail dot com thank you

Giada M. said...

Thank you very much for this amazing contest! Fingers crossed!*_* I'm dying to read this book!>_<

I'm an old blog follower.

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Misusedinnocence said...

This sounds awesome! I would love to read this!!


Badass Bookie said...

Great interview and thanks for the giveaway! I have been loooking forward to this book!

+1 comment
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+1 Goodreads - http://www.goodreads.com/user_status/show/3929880

Total - 6

Anonymous said...

Please enter me, I would love to win this book. And thank you for this great interview.

I'm a GFC follower

sablelexi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sablelexi said...

I really want to read this book.

+1 follower
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Kelly aka yllektra(I Work For Books) said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway!
The book looks wonderful!

I'm a follower on twitter, GFC, goodreads and Facebook

twitted it: http://twitter.com/yllektra/status/27703560921
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Rhonda said...

I love magical plots with twist and turns.

rhondastruther s atyahoo dot ca

Rhonda said...

GFC follower

rhondastruther s atyahoo.ca

Kathryn said...

I've seen this book around for some time, I'd love to read it myself, thanks for the opportunity ! ^_^


Kathryn said...

+1 I'm also GFC follower
+1 and added your button to my blog.


donnas said...

Great interview. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the chance!

Im a follower

post - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2010/10/contest-links-for-1019.html

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bacchus76 at myself dot com

amethystheart said...

Hi, thank you so much for this giveaway! I'd love to enter as well! My email address is amethystheart89@gmail.com, and for another entry, I am following your blog with my google account (the same email address).

~The Book Pixie said...

I have REALLY been wanting to read this book! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

+1 Old Follower

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Anonymous said...

Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. Sounds really good. Tore923@aol.com

Laurie Pearson Photography said...

I would love to be entered to win this. Sounds like a good book.


Kate Fuller said...

This sounds like a good book. I would love to win it.
I am a follower.

Sheila Hickmon said...

I'd love to read this! Great interview too!

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

Google Friend Connect Follower! {mom2anutball}

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Terra Heck said...

This seems like a book that both myself and my teenage girls would enjoy reading. Thanks.

Terra Heck said...

follow your blog

Terra Heck said...

follow you on Twitter, partymix25

Onge said...

Thanks for the giveaway!! I've been wanting to read this book. I'm a gfc and twitter(@chickenherder) follower.

Anne R. said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

+1 Twitter follower: @anneroyce
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isabookwhore at gmail dot com

erma said...

I'd like to read this.

Melissa B. said...

Sounds intriguing. I'd love to read it.

Michele said...

Great interview!
+1 GFC follower (Michele)
+1 Twitter follower (@rlawrence110)

the Moorhouse's said...

would love to win, sounds like a interesting book!

+1 follower

Susan said...

I would love to win this book please enter me thanks suelee1998 @ gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would like to read this work!


Candie L said...

Sounds like a fun book. Thank you


Breanne said...

Sounds like a good book!

+1 follow on Twitter @RazzMyBerry

bmweida at yahoo dot com

Pamela S said...

Sounds like a book my older teen daughter and I could both enjoy! Loved the interview. The author has such witty responses. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

Pamela S said...

Follower GFC
Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

George Ferris said...

This sounds like a must-read book.
George Ferris

Benita said...

Please count me in.

GFC Follower.

Email subscriber.


Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great book.
Diane Baum

MannaB said...

Sounds like a great read! thanks!


cdmarteny said...

sounds like fun read

Kelly g said...

This sounds like an awesome read

kgrant77 at gmail.com

Sand said...

I'd like to read this book.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like an interesting book. Thanks. garrettsambo@aol.com

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