
GUEST POST: Laura Whitcomb

Why I Love
By Laura Whitcomb

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been in love with Halloween. Maybe you’d think it was the treats. When I was a kid we didn’t have candy very often at our house – only on holidays or vacations – so it was deeply appealing to end up with a full bag of Hershey’s chocolate and pixie stix. Maybe you’d think it was the costumes – I loved dressing up and we had trunks full of old gowns, hats, and props in the cellar. Maybe you’d think it was the celebration – the last school day before the 31st was always fabulous: story time with the lights turned down, special songs in minor keys, and on your desk after last recess a collection of orange and black cup cakes, cookies, and pop corn balls secreted in by stealthy moms.

But I think my love of the holiday was more about that magical combination of light and dark.  My earliest Halloween memory, the October I was three, I remember stepping out our front door after dark, dressed as a princess in a flower girl gown and fake crown, flanked by my sisters who were 9 and 11. It was wonderful. I was entering a world of shadows and mystery (and I’ll admit I was a bit of a scaredy-cat) but with my protectors beside me, I was safe. Children darted by on the sidewalks dressed as skeletons and monsters, but underneath I knew they were just children like us. People’s yards were thick with cardboard tombstones and pipe cleaner spiders, but when we knocked and the doors opened, faces beamed at us as sweet as those of our own aunts and uncles.

I liked the light – the laughter and sweets and playfulness of it all. But honestly, I found I preferred the darkness between streetlights. I liked not knowing precisely who was behind each mask. I liked the corny taped sound effects of moaning spirits and even the neighbors who opened their doors with wolfman masks on and made me hide my face. I loved how even the kids in the lightest, easiest to see costumes--white sheets and pale fairy dresses--would fade like ghosts as they moved down the block. I loved the glow of jagged toothed jack-o-lanterns in the blackness and the smell of burning pumpkins and wax, of rotting dead leaves in the gutters and cinnamon cider. I loved the dizzying tracks of flashlights dancing like sprites, leading us through the night.

So, I guess it’s not surprising that I grew up to write about ghosts and Fetches or that on the 31st I’ll be hosting another Supernatural Tea Party. Can’t help myself; every October I become a kid again. And I so look forward to introducing my son to his first Halloween.
I have to say that I read A Certain Slant of Light last year and it immediately became my favorite ghost story.  Via conversation with Ms. Whitcomb I was delighted to learn that she is in the process of writing a sequel!  Hooray!  UNDER THE LIGHT will be released late 2012.  Which means it will be a while before we get our little hands on it, but that just makes us anticipate it even more.  Ms. Whitcomb's second novel, The Fetch, a supernatural love story set in Imperial Russia, will be out in paperback soon.  The movie option for A Certain Slant of Light was also recently sold to Kristin Hahn who produced The Departed with Leonardo DiCaprio - so if you're a big fan, like I am, I'm sure you will also be one of the first in line to see it on the big screen.   

GIVEAWAY:  I have 2 copies up for grabs! 

As always, leave a comment for one entry. If you'd like extra entries just say so in your comment or separate comments (extra entries for followers, Twitter, sidebars, Facebook, my spiffy All About {n} button, etc.) Make sure to leave an e-mail address, especially if you are leaving a comment under Anonymous.

Rules: This contest is open internationally! Winners will be drawn Saturday, October 9.


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Anonymous said...

This has been on my wishlist, would be great to win it!

Also a GFC follower


alittlebookish said...

Wow, great post. Definitely want to read this one.

Catherine said...

I have been trying to find this book here in our country and it would be great to win one. :D


Zoë said...

I definitely want to read this one!


I'm a GFC follower :)

Catherine said...

I also follow your blog!


La Coccinelle said...

A movie of A Certain Slant of Light? Awesome! This is one of my favourite books.

Great guest post. I loved Halloween as a kid, too (until I moved here, where it's a scary event involving roaming gangs of teenagers who throw firecrackers; not exactly kid-friendly). But I'd still dress up today, if I had an excuse to do so. I love the holiday that much.

fs1 said...

I have to say that this one has been on my wishlist too.
So thank you for the opportunity :)
fairy dot morgaine at gmail dot com

Natalie said...

I LOVE Halloween! It's my favorite holiday!

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Anonymous said...

I would love to read A Certain Slant of Light :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

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Myra C said...

Great post! I would love to read this book, thanks.

I am a GFC follower

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Oh, I'd love love love to read this one! Halloween is full of awesome.

Please enter me...I'm a follower, and I put this on my sidebar. Thank you!

iswimforoceans at gmail dot com

Colleen Turner said...

I would love to win a copy! Please include me in your giveaway.

Colleen Turner said...

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Colleen Turner said...

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Anonymous said...

This has been on my wishlist for ages!
I am a follower on my blog (moiraethefatesbookreviews)



Pamela Keener said...

I would love to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow your blog via GFC
Love & Hugs,

A Musing Mother said...

Thanks for the giveaway!


A Musing Mother said...

I am a follower

A Musing Mother said...

And a subscriber via email.
ntaylor228 at yahoo dot com

Mervi said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

I'm a GFC follower.

musmekipi at gmail dot com

Judit said...

Thank you very much for this giveaway! I want to win this book so bad :)

judittten at gmail dot com

Judit said...

I'm also GFC follower

judittten at gmail dot com

Judit said...

I already have your button on my sidebar. My blog is in Slovak language but I hope you will eventually find it :)

judittten at gmail dot com

Judit said...

I'm your twitter follower (@judittten) and I tweeted here:!/judittten/status/26403530474

(not sure if it counts as one or two entires)

judittten at gmail dot com

Chrystal said...

Great post and awesome contest. Old Follower! Love this - oh I did a twitter post. @snowdropdreams

Judit said...

AND! I put your link on my sidebar under GIVEAWAYS

judittten at gmail dot com

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Awe. Great post! Thanks for sharing. I wish I could remember what I did on Halloween when I was three. Probably not much, all I know is that it was too long ago. LOL!

Thanks for the giveaway! Please enter me.

missie at

Llehn said...

I'd love to play please :D


Llehn said...

Following via GFC.


Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Extra entry: Follow through GFC!

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Extra entry: Follow on Twitter

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Extra entry: I subscribe by e-mail

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Extra entry: I have your cute button on my blog!

Cass said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

Cass said...

Blog button on my site.

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

Cass said...

Follower @cc9309

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

Cass said...

GFC follower

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

buddyt said...


Really popular giveaway it seems.
My odds of winning are decreasing rapidly but enter me anyway.

I Follow via GFC.

Thanks for making it Internationa.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Enbrethiliel said...


Oh, I love ghost stories! Even the hint of a ghost story will get me going.

Please enter me in this giveaway!

I'm a follower and I've linked this on my sidebar.

My e-mail address is altaemoeniaRomae [at] gmail [dot] com.

Thank you, Nely! =)

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the giveaway!

headlessfowl at jteers dot net

I'm a GFC follower & twitter follower @headlessfowl.

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

Enter me please!

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

Not entering, But what a great post

Autumn said...

Looks like a great spooky story!

autumn.crochet (at) gmail .com

Autumn said...

I'm an old follower

autumn . crochet (at) gmail. com

Erin said...

Count me in please!


Tabby Lewis said...

Thanks for the chance! :)

tabbylewis at

Tabby Lewis said...

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Nina said...

Great contest. Thank you for letting it be international.

Teresa (Read All Over Reviews) said...

I've really been wanting to read this and hurrah about the movie rights being sold! Maybe we'll get it next Halloween season on the big screen.

+1 old follow via GFC


Andrea said...

great post!! and giveaway!!
i love it <3
please enter me:
i´m following you by GFC
i announced in my blog:

SavageGrace said...

This is one of the many books on my "Wish List"! LOL Would love to read A Certain Slant of Light =) x


Judy said...

This looks like a great read!!! Please put my name in the hat!!

GFC follower!!

Judy Cox

Jasmine1485 said...

I'd love to read this :) Thank you for this giveaway!

Kate1485 at

Reading Lassie said...

Hello. Please count me in. I'd really love to read that book.


Thanks much!

Darlyn said...

I would love to read the book! Thanks for the chance!

darlyn225 at gmail dot com

Bella said...

I'd love to read this! Thanks for the chance.

I'm a follower.
FB & Twitter'd it!/profile.php?id=100000015829397

Bella said...

oops - forgot my email in post above

Unknown said...

This sounds amazing! It has been a long time since I read a good ghost story. I am def going to have to check out this book. Halloween is also my favorite holiday and has been for years. There is just something magical about Halloween. Thanks for the chance to win!! Happy Halloween!


Kala said...

this sounds like an awesome read!

Kala said...

i am a follower

Kala said...

i follow on facebook

M.A.D. said...

Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

What a cover!! Wow, I'd love to read this one, please count me in and thank you :)

ps - I don't THINK I've already entered for this? Please delete any dup if I have~

M.A.D. said...

Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

And I follow you in GFC :D

Saytu said...

I've been looking to read books in a different genre then I normally do, and this seemed like the prefect book. I would really like to read it, also I'm a GFC follower. :)

Teril said...

great looking book.

I am a follower.


Lucía said...

Thaaaaaanks! Please count me in :)

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Anonymous said...

Please enter me in contest. I am a follower and email subscriber. Sounds like a really good book.

Ruthie said...

I love scary stories! Please enter me, thanks.

Ruthie said...

FB friend

E.J. Stevens said...

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! This book sounds fabulous.
From the Shadows

Carol M said...

This sounds really good! Please enter me. Thank you!

+1 Follower
+1 Email
+1 Twitter

mittens0831 at aol dot com

Nancye said...

Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the chance.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said...

GFC Follower

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said...

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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

mountie9 said...

Halloween is my favorite holiday -- even better than xmas. I have 2 boys and this will be my 2 year olds 1st Halloween where he understands what is going on. Yup I have dressed him up since he was 2 months old on his 1st halloween ; )
This book sounds really good. I am going to add it to my tbr list
contestmom AT hotmail DOT com

heidi330 said...

I new to this blog but it really neat, I'll be coming back..
scribed to email
follower GFC heidi330


k_sunshine1977 said...

oh, it sounds creepy...would love to read this!

i am a gfc follower

k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

k_sunshine1977 said...

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k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

k_sunshine1977 said...

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k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

k_sunshine1977 said...

i'm also your friend on goodreads

k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

k_sunshine1977 said...

and i'm following your blog on networked blogs

k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

Theresa said...

This cover is kinda creepy! Perfect for Halloween time I suppose!

Thanks for the giveaway!

GFC Follower

Bitsy Bling Books said...

This looks really interesting especially for my October read list! I'm a GFC follower.


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This book looks truly amazing, from what I've heard about it it is a really great read, most excited to read it!

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I'd love to win this! :D

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