On this week's Bookcase of the Week it is with great pleasure that I bring you Candace of Candace's Book Blog's bookcases. I asked Candace if she would like to participate in the Bookcase of the Week feature and within a few hours I had an e-mail with her pictures and descriptions of all the bookshelves scattered around her home. I love that she has books all over... makes me happy. See for yourselves:
This is my most rotated shelf. Meaning the books on it are constantly changing. The books on the very top are review books to be read yet and the books I get through the week. Once I do my In My Mailbox on Sunday then they go to whichever shelves they belong on. I also keep my borrowed books and my swag up there so I can easily throw in a bookmark, sticker or whatever I wish when I send out packages. The three shelves are all books to be read. I have other books to be read as well, but they don't all fit here so I usually just keep the first one or two of a series here. Or whichever ones I need to read next.
This next bookshelf is young adult books I've read. And the bottom is my giveaway books. I also have three photo albums but I've since moved them to the new bookshelf with the kids books because I've added more from my TBR bookshelf to this one.
This is our newest bookshelf and it ended up being used for all my daughters puzzles, games and books. I do have middle grade books in the middle cube and there are many more that will be added (I've since added enough that it's PACKED!).
This is more of my young adult books. I pretty much filled up the space I could reach through the bars. I did put a few others in the corner that are for my brother next time he comes to visit.
This is my mostly non fiction bookcase. It needs some organizing but my husband still has to put three more shelves on it so I haven't messed with it much. I did start adding some historical fiction or books I loan out a lot on it.
This is my other brand new bookshelf and is up in my room. It has space for two more bookcases next to it too. I use it for all my mass market paperbacks. Mostly anyway. It's mainly paranormal, urban fantasy and a few fantasy. I keep The Mists of Avalon on top and my box with some swag.
This is in one corner of my room and holds a few more series and swag for decoration. You can see one shelf has steampunk books and has my steampunk goggles on it too.
This shelf is in the opposite corner. It holds some of my favorites. Jacqueline Carey, Charlaine Harris, Kim Harrison and Karen Marie Moning. Most of my Sookie books are loaned out so when they come back I'll have to find a new home for them as they won't all fit.
Then the top of my entertainment center in my room is covered in books (there are more inside too!) and then I have a shelf that goes around one end of my room. This is just a little bit of it, maybe a quarter? And it's pretty full of books. Plenty of room for more but they are impossible to get down so I want to find them all a better home (in my home!).
That is most of my books. I have a few random short shelves with more, and my daughter has a bunch more children and middle grade books in her disaster of a room.
Thanks so much for featuring me!
I'm so glad you played along with us Candace. I loved the glimpse into your home and a peek at all those bookcases. I need to convince the hubs to let me have books all over the house like yours allows you (I'm doing a show and tell presentation with your books tonight). I think they bring character and warmth to a home. Although I'm sure he'd say something dumb like... they're a fire hazard or something snarky like that. He sucks.
For those of you who haven't passed on through to Candace's yet, please visit her here (tell her I say HI!)

I love looking at other bookshelfs, So much fun to see XD
I am jealous of all of those bookshelves! Wow! So fun to see! XO
Oh my goodness Candace...I'm cracking up at your ingenuity!! You have books in practically every nook & cranny - I love it :)
I think my husband would beat me over the head with my books if I try to put them on the wall near our stairs, LMAO!
I need more shelves too. The ones I have are getting overcrowded and they're not as organized as they used to be. I love how each of your shelves has a purpose :)
Thanks for the tour!
XO, ♥Isalys
I love these posts. I'm always interested to see how people arrange their books and what they're reading when I go to people's houses *nosey*
It's also nice to see people who actually have some form of book space. I have an old bookshelf that I've had for years and a few cardboard boxes and bags shoved in front of it in the corner of my room - that's all the space I got!
I love that there are books everywhere. I think it's great to have visitors no matter what room there in see your love for reading.
I think this is one of my fave rooms so far (by the way, I live for this feature!!). I loved how she found creative places for her books. You can tell books are important to her, soo cool!
Sweet! Thank you Candace!
I always thought it would be neat to have certain type books in their own bookcases and even rooms. I do have a bookcase dedicated to nonfiction like horse health/training and dog health, gardening etc.
Wow, I wish I had that many places to put my books. My poor shelf is begging me not to add any more to it.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
I love the shelf up above and under the stairs. Very cool!
OMG - what a grand collection of books you have. Its really great to see the innovative ways you've stored, organized and displayed them.
Thanks for having me on! It was great seeing all the comments :)
I do love to show off my books and originally all the books were suppose to be in my room. But then everyone wouldn't be able to see them and lack of space led to using the built in shelves we have. Then that filled up and I bought a couple more that match our entertainment center so they *had* to go in the family room. I like being able to see my books no matter where I am in the house.
My hubby is NOT a book person. Before we had a house when we were moving every year or so into apartments he would say that he is NOT moving my books again. That kept me from having as many as I do now, but I still had a lot! Then we bought the house and it was filled with built in shelves and I felt like they really needed to be filled with books! I hadn't thought about the fact I would have to haul the ladder out every time I wanted one though... so I still use them, but try to use the spaces I can reach. My hubby seems to have stopped with the snarky remarks about my books. I guess he's decided it's a bargaining chip. He doesn't complain about my books and I don't complain about his video games.
Oh, and we're still doing work on our house and it's looking like we'll have some built in shelves on a wall we're going to put up replacing a door. We have some wonky walls, so we've decided that if we build built in shelves it won't be so obvious. It might be years until it's done, but I'm excited!
Canadace - I love that you put all of the spaces in your house to good book storage use. If only I had those nice little shelves at the top of the walls.... I sure would have a lot more books in my house. :)
These shelves are beautiful! I'm impressed by how you've put books in high up, small spaces. It's so creative!
I love looking at others bookshelves, and how they store their books. You def have them all over. :)
I love how she has books all over the place! So awesome!
Holy heck am I jealous! Way neat shelf arrangements.
Love the bookcase that climbs up the corner on alternate walls. Fabulous!
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