On this week's Bookcase of the Week it is with great pleasure that I bring you Jessica of Confessions of a Bookaholic's bookcase. So many of you already know Jessica and I thought it would be fun if she sent us pictures of her bookcases. So, of course, she got one of my emails (and still with my fingers crossed) I got her response.. saying that she'd participate. Hooray for us, right?! Here's what she sent us:
My poor bookshelf! It is beyond full. I bought this shelf a few months ago and books are already stacked 2 rows back on each shelf. I dream of the day I can have an entire library full of shelves! For now, I'm stuck with this shelf. The top drawers are for swag and contest books. I also have packing supplies, my blog cards and everything else needed for sending off giveaway books. At the main top I have a few notebooks and a binder containing the information that comes with review books. That is a recent addition and is due to my resolution of "staying organized" for 2011!
The top 2 sections of my bookshelf contain signed books (in the back rows) and books I plan to read soon or need to review. I've attempted some sort of organization but it is very difficult. The 2nd row down (right side) has mainly ARCs that are coming out soon. I do try to keep these in order so I can move them up to the top shelf when it's time to read them. The bottom 2 sections have more books I need to read. The only books I've read in this section are The Mortal Instruments series. I would say that 90% of all the books visible on this shelf are the books I need to read. The books behind these I've mostly read.
As you can see, I even have books in the floor now *gasp*. Somehow this just feels..wrong! I hope to get a new shelf next month to at least get the books out of the floor. The next picture is actually of the inside of a cabinet. All of these books have been read and are "pre-blogging" books. They are some of my favorites as well. I keep them in a cabinet for now to keep them safe. The last picture is of my nice cozy office.. err.. couch! I hate siting in an office chair so I relax on the couch and do my blog work. I have my computer, Kindle, and most recent book always handy. Currently that book is Unearthly.
I own around 400 books and my goal would be to have them all displayed somewhere. Maybe someday I'll have the library of my dreams. We can all hope, right?
Thanks so much Nely for inviting me!
Thanks so much Nely for inviting me!
Jessica thank you so much for the tour of your bookcase. I am also running out of space and have started doubling up on the books I have on each shelf. What's a girl to do, especially a girl with no more space for bookshelves.... meh. I need a bigger house. One with an extra room for a library. Wouldn't that be nice?! Thanks again for playing along. :)
For those of you who haven't passed on through to Jessica's yet, please visit her here (tell her I say HI!)

I love it! Very efficient use of space :)
I loved seeing all of your books! And I love your blog, too, Jessica!
I feel your pain Jess, but LOVE all your bookshelves!!!
OMG! All those beautiful books! NomNomNom!
Thank you so much for having me on here!! I love this feature so I was thrilled to have the opportunity to participate!
Thanks everyone for the comments :) I recently bought another bookcase (just like this one) so they are side by side and NOW I can see ALL of my books. I still have to put my "read" ones in the floor but I'm slowly making progress LOL.
<3 Happy Reading!!
I've visited Jessica's website...how FUN to see her bookshelves (that almost sounded dirty)!! lol I kinda felt like a voyeur looking at all your books, turning my head sideways and squinting...TRYING to see as many titles as I could. What a great blog post! Fun!!
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