On this week's Bookcase of the Week it is with great pleasure that I bring you Natalie of Mindful Musing's bookcases. I love visiting Natalie's site.. we have a lot of the same reading tastes plus I love her Movie Cast Monday and Weekly Wrap-Up posts. I know a lot of you already know her, so I knew that I just had to ask if she'd be willing to participate in the Bookcase of the Week feature and, lucky for us, she agreed. Here's what she had to say:
Since I live in an apartment with two roommates, I don't have room for as many bookcases as I'd like, but I'd love to show you the ones I do have! They used to be organized by author and genre, but since I started book blogging, they've kind of exploded, and I've ended up using my bookcases in the most practical way possible...also known as stuffing everything anywhere as long as it fits! As you can see by looking at the towering pile of books on the top of my first bookcase, it's about time for me to invest in buying another one, though I have no idea where I'll put it. Hmmm...maybe I'll sell my bed and start sleeping in the closet...
This is my smaller, slightly more organized bookshelf. I've got large hardbacks on the first shelf, mass market paperbacks on the second, random YA on the third, and an assortment of YA and MG on the bottom. Once again, this shelf was also more organized a year ago, when I didn't own near as many books as I do now. I can't even fit all my books on bookshelves. I still have two giant boxes in my closet, and that's not even counting what's stashed away somewhere in my parents' basement back home. Shhh! Don't tell them. I was supposed to clear those out six months ago when I moved into my apartment, but since they rarely check the storage room...I figured I'd take advantage of the extra space!
This is a picture of my desk and laptop, where I do most of my blogging. As you can tell by the speakers hooked up to my laptop, I love listening to music while I blog and browse through my Google Reader. It's kind of my way to unwind and relax (and sometimes, to procrastinate doing homework). Believe it or not, this is actually pretty clean for my desk. Usually it's stacked with all sorts of textbooks and coffee mugs. I guess you can tell my semester hasn't really kicked into full gear yet!
And finally, this is a chair where I do a lot of my reading. When I'm "fun" reading (aka: blog reading), I also like to read in bed or on our couch in the living room. However, when I'm trying to read for one of my literature classes, I usually end up passed out and drooling over my textbooks if I'm too comfy. This chair's comfortable enough so I'm not constantly fidgeting, but I also have a harder time falling asleep in it (not that I haven't dozed off in it, because I totally have).
Thanks so much to Nely for inviting me to participate in this awesome feature!
Natalie, the pleasure was all mine. Thank you so much for giving us a glimpse into your room and your bookcases. There is so much goodness in those shelves. I kept maximizing the pictures just to read all your titles... I know, I'm so nosy. Either way, thank you again, for playing along with us.
For those of you who haven't passed on through to Natalie's yet, please visit her here (tell her I say HI!)

Love your space! It's cozy. :)
When I read my text books, I also have to sit in a different chair than when I read my PNRs. It's too zone out when I'm on my bed. Thanks for sharing!
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Loads of gorgeous books there!!
Look at all of those amazing books!!!
This peek into Natalie's book nooks is just too fun.
Thanks for sharing ladies!
I could get lost in Natalie's book nook for days!
One of thse days, Nely, you should do a study on how readers stack/sort their books and what it says about them as a person and as a reader. There has to be a science behind it!
I love me some Natalie! She is just awesome sauce and way to make room for your books. I have 2 roommates too and it is hard to find space when needed.
I love your place!!! I don't buy many books since most of the books I read are from the library, so I dont have as many on my bookshelves as you do, but I usually have a pile of books that can go to the ceiling at times LOL Its always fun to have a large amount of books near oneself.
I love how you post bookcases of your followers! What a GREAT idea!
Thanks so much for featuring me, Nely! It was a lot of fun!
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