Look at all the goodies I got for Christmas...
I got all 5 Harajuko Lovers perfumes - courtesty of my parents.
I got all 5 Harajuko Lovers perfumes - courtesty of my parents.
Random gift certificates to some of my favorite stores. Including Bed, Bath & Beyond, Macy's, B&N, AMEX, etc. I love gift certificates!
AND last, but certainly the coolest of them all... I GOT A SONY READER! I am so excited about this. Plus the hubby gave me an extra $100 bucks to spend at the Sony e-book Store. Which is about 8 -9 books. And for buying the Sony Reader, Sony actually gives you 100 free classics. I don't even know 100 classics I would want to read, but there are well over a hundred to choose from. I've been playing on their site all afternoon. SO FUN!
Merry Christmas and to all a good night!
Wow, a Sony Reader, you lucky girl!
A Merry Christmas to you and yours!
wowwwww! I m envious! a Sony Reader! wow wow woW! All of them are sooo cute... the first perfume set is the cutest!
Wow, what a haul!!! You'll need to do a "review" of the Sony Reader for us!
WOW!!! You did do well. How fantastic! You'll have to report on the reader -- I'm really interested in what you think.
A reader! I'm so jealous.
Question: how does it handle pdf books?
Juju - the reader is by far one of the more comfortable reading tools I have. It handles all the PDF files perfectly. So I can upload anything - including emails right on there. The only drawback is that it does not go online so you have to hook it up to the computer to get what you want to read on there. I personally don't mind doing it - it's quick and simple and doesn't require too much thinking. :D I love it - I just wish I used it more. I get most of my books through publishers or authors so I don't get all the use I would like from it. But I will say it saves space in my purse or when I travel I just load up 6-7 books and I'm ready to go. Much better then lugging all the books I want to read around. Plus you look super cool holding while in a dr's waiting room, subway, bus, etc.
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