To be honest, I can't say I really liked this story - and not for the reasons you would think either. Obviously from the cover alone you can tell this is an erotic version of the story. Which is fine. I'm not much of an erotica fan - but I can deal with it well enough. What I couldn't deal with was Beauty's submissive nature. I wanted her to put up a fight - I can't imagine just letting myself be put in the dire position she was thrust into (no pun intended) without putting up even a tiny fist in the air and screaming at someone, scratching, biting or throwing a shoe.
Once I realized what the story was about (and after someone being sexually impaled on a statue) I really considered putting the book down - this was obviously not my cup of tea. So I put it down for a couple of hours and I tried not to think about it. I really did. But I couldn't help myself. I needed to see how much more poor Beauty would endure and if she would ever grow a backbone. I picked it up again and just couldn't put it back down.
This is the first book of a 3-part series by author A.N. Roqueluare (pen name for Anne Rice). It made me blush, gasp and I know more than once I had to glance around just to make sure no one was reading over my shoulder. It is by far the most sexually graphic novel I have ever read. The ending is a cliff-hanger and obviously sets you up for the next book in the series - I haven't decided whether I'll pick it up or not. I will confess that I am intrigued to see what will happen next... hmmm.
My final thoughts - in order to truly enjoy this story you must be able to completely give yourself over to the fantasy and leave your inhibitions and "Girls Rule" attitude at the door and then all I can say is enter at your own risk.
Well now you've piqued my interest and I'll have to read it just to see how warped it is!
Oh and where did you get it?
I read the trilogy years ago...and they get worse with each book, by the third everyone is raping each other and animals start showing up...its awful...but of course I didnt put it down, if I were to pick them up today Id toss it. Her new book Angel Time is about 1800 degrees different.
Hmm..I've never heard of this Rice trilogy before. It must be due to the pseudonym.
So this is the same Anne Rice who has rekindled her faith and has now written the story of Christ? Hmmm - wonder if she wishes she could make these disappear or if she thinks that they are part of her life experience and must be considered. I've never read erotica - not sure if I want to try it - I know, I'm a prude!
hm.... i don't think i could read this.... :\ but it sounds interesting. i'd probably cry.
I haven't read these yest though I have always ment to.
I've been wanting to read these forever, but my library doesn't carry them for obvious reasons.
I did find the whole set in a used bookstore once, but it was 60 something dollars and looked, well, heavily used.
Great review. I was unaware it had beauty in a whole submissive role. Not sure if that's really going to sit well with me. Eh, I'll probably read this one if I do come across it at a reasonable price.
I blush far too easily for something like this! I have some friends who would love this though...naughty friends! ;)
xoxo -- Hilary
I love Sleeping Beauty, she is my favourite Disney Princess! That being said, I don't think I'm ready to tarnish that image. Sounds like quite a book, though.
Great review I've heard of these books but haven't read them yet. I don't think this will be my cup of tea either but can appreciate a thoughtful review like this.
It's funny, I have seen countless references to this book in many places over the years, yet you are the first blogger I've seen with the guts to read and review it! Yay! Loved this review because you gave enough information for me to make an informed decision about reading it.....exactly what a review should be!
I read this one years ago but didn't finish the series. One was enough for me!
I've never heard of this series, but it sounds a bit interesting although maybe not for me. I would probably read the first one just to see what its all about.
And I am like you, whenever reading an erotic novel, I look over my shoulder constantly to make sure no one knows what I'm reading!
Great review :)
Enter at your own risk FOR SURE!
{Omg, the word verification at the bottom of this post is PUTTA!!!! LMAOOO!!}
Well... it's nice to find girls's comments about these books. I've readed all of them and were kinda shocking. Not by the scenes or text, but knowing that all came from a woman's funny twisted mind. Don't misunderstand, I love such women. So, I'd like to ask you, girls... should I suggest my wife read these books ? What do you think ?
I agree with you. I wish I had your blogging style.
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