
Shimmer by Alyson Noel

Title:  Shimmer
Author:  Alyson Noel
Pages: 208
Genre: YA/ Fantasy

Having solved the matter of the Radiant Boy, Riley, Buttercup, and Bodhi are enjoying a well-deserved vacation. When Riley comes across a vicious black dog, against Bodhi’s advice, she decides to cross him over. While following the dog, she runs into a young ghost named Rebecca. Despite Rebecca’s sweet appearance, Riley soon learns she’s not at all what she seems. As the daughter of a former plantation owner, she is furious about being murdered during a slave revolt in 1733. Mired in her own anger, Rebecca is lashing out by keeping the ghosts who died along with her trapped in their worst memories. Can Riley help Rebecca forgive and forget without losing herself to her own nightmarish memories? [via Amazon

Against Bodhi's wishes, Riley decides that she will help the big, mean old dog she finds on the beach cross-over.  In search for the dog though, she meets the it's owner, a sweet, young girl named Rebecca. But looks can be deceiving, for Rebecca harbors so much anger that Riley, Bodhi & even Buttercup get up in the world full anger and desperation that Rebecca has created.  While coming to terms that she is trapped in this world, Riley meets a young Prince who explains why Rebecca is so angry and how she has kept so many of his brothers and sisters from crossing over.  There's nothing that Riley loves more than a good challenge -  and a challenge it will be since she knows she'll have to work through her own nightmares in order to reach the other side.

There's just something about Riley that I absolutely love!  She's spunky, sassy, funny and even though she's dead, she's so full of life.  Rebecca's life as well as that of Prince Kanta and the other slaves were so full of misery and violence.  Although Ms. Noel only skims over some of this violence, you do get a feel for what they went through.  Rebecca in need of a loving father and her tragic death during a slave revolt.  While Prince Kanta and the other slaves were ripped from their homes and taken to far away plantations to work from sun up to sun down. 

Riley really had her work cut out for her with Rebecca.  She had to confront her fears, her past and really work through her emotional issues, but in the end I think she came out a stronger and more mature young lady.  I do recommend you read Radiance before you read Shimmer only because you get a lot of information on the Here and Now as well as the friendship/mentorship between her and Bodhi - that is only skimmed upon in Shimmer.

Although these books - Radiance, Shimmer and Dreamland (releases September 2011) - are mid-grade books, they can easily be enjoyed by adults as well.  Riley shines!  She is a superstar!  I'm intrigued by the thought of the Here & Now and I can't help but want to see what adventure Riley will find herself in next.  

My Rating: 

GIVEAWAY: I have 5 ARC copies up for grabs - thanks to the lovely folks over at Macmillan.

As always, leave a comment for one entry. If you'd like extra entries just say so in your comment or separate comments (extra entries for followers, Twitter, sidebars, Facebook, etc.) ; and for putting my spiffy little button on your blog. Make sure to leave an e-mail address, especially if you are leaving a comment under Anonymous.

Rules: This contest is open to U.S. & Canada residents. International followers feel free to enter giveaway as long as you have someone in the U.S. or Canada willing to accept the book for you.  Winners will be drawn Friday, March 4.


Zoë said...

oh yes please i'd love to be entered!

i'm a follower as well so extra entries rock.


Amy J said...

I would love to be entered! I love this author!
Amy J
djsfoxylady @

Miss Page-Turner said...

Please enter me:)

Miss Page-Turner said...

I'm also a GFC follower

Miss Page-Turner said...

And Twitter follower

Jessica said...

I'd love to be entered...and I'm a follower!

Jennzah said...

i'd love to be entered!! i'm a follower! :)

Beth Gallagher said...

Would love to read this fantastic book! I'm a follower and a follower on Twitter. thanks for the chance to win. :)

Anonymous said...

i'd love to be entered !

I tweeted here:

Cackleberry Homestead said...

This sounds good - I just got Radiance from the library so I would love to win this to follow that one up when I finish it :)

I follow via GFC
I follow you on Twitter (cfulcher)


Jessy said...

Yeah, I like Riley so much better than her sister. I'm glad she's being spotlighted now.



findjessyhere at gmail dot com

AmburHostyn said...

Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Shimmer :D


AmburHostyn said...

I'm a GFC follower (.ambur.)


AmburHostyn said...

I'm a twitter follower (@AmburHostyn)


AmburHostyn said...

I have your button on my blog:


Anonymous said...

Please enter me!

I'm a follower.

midnighttwilight101 {at} yahoo {dot} com

elaing8 said...

Please enter me in this giveaway.I love Alyson's books.

GFC follower
Twitter follower


Valia Lind said...

Awesome!!! :-)

I'm a follower!!

Valia Lind said...

Also, I posted you button on my blog :)

lindalou said...

Please do enter me! I'd love to win a copy.
Linda T.
Florida, USA

Linda said...

I have been wanting to read this one! Please enter me in the giveaway!

jenna said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

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Carol M said...

I'd love to win this! Thank you for the giveaway!

I follow on GFC
I follow on Twitter-CarolAnnM

mittens0831 at aol dot com

Katie said...

cool please enter me!!!

I am a follower

A Musing Mother said...

Just save yourself the stress and send one to me.

ntaylor228 At Yahoo dot com

A Musing Mother said...

I'm a GFC follower

ntaylor228 at yahoo dot com

A Musing Mother said...

And a subscriber

Chrystal said...

Oooo this cover is really pretty. :)

Please enter me in the contest and I'm an old follower! ;)

Tina said...

I follow your blog by email. I have read the first immortal book by Alyson and the rest are on my TBR list. I would love to win this one! Thanks! Tina

Anonymous said...

I've heard good things about this book, so I'd love to read it. Thanks for the giveaway! I am a GFC follower (Genna Sarnak) as well as a Twitter follower (@gennasarnak). Thanks again! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and we are now friends on FB! :)

gsarnak410 (at) gmail (dot) com

BOOKed_up said...

hey nely! thanks for the follow, u have been followed back! I agree, us Miamian book lovers are scarce.. need to support eachother! ;D

p.s. i'd love to be entered!

Rebecca Rasmussen said...

Ooh this looks great! I would love to be entered, Nely honey! XOXO

Anonymous said...

I would Love to be entered!! I follow you as well :) Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Would love a chance to win a ALyson Noel book.
I'm a follower

Jackee Renahe said...

I would love to win this book. I got Radiance as a Christmas present & have wanted this book ever since I read Radiance.

I'm a GFC follower as well.

Thanks for this amazing giveaway!

renahe_90 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

Candace said...

I really enjoyed Radiance and am looking forward to reading this one. It sounds pretty awesome!

I'm a follower :)

candace_redinger at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to read this book! I'm a follower also!!

nakeshabrown (at) gmail (dot) com

rubynreba said...

I'd really enjoy this book. Thanks!

rubynreba said...

GFC Follower

Unknown said...

Pls enter me :)

misaacmom at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

follower GFC

misaacmom at gmail dot com

Keisha Talley said...

Would love to win this for my daughter I think she would really enjoy it .

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Please count me in!


Anonymous said...

+1 GFC follower


Cathie said...

I'd love to be entered into this contest. Thank you!


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Unknown said...

I'm a GFC follower. Thanks so much!

donnas said...

Thanks for the chance!

Im a follower.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Tara said...

I would LOVE to read a copy!

TaraTagli at gmail dot com

Tara said...

I follow you publicly on Google Friend Connect!

TaraTagli at gmail dot com

Tara said...

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TaraTagli at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered! Thanks for the giveaway.

I'm a GFC follower.

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