
Thirsty by Tracey Bateman

There's no place like home, they say.

"Hello, I'm Nina Parker…and I'm an alcoholic."

For Nina, it's not the weighty admission but the first steps toward recovery that prove most difficult. She must face her ex-husband, Hunt, with little hope of making amends, and try to rebuild a relationship with her angry teenage daughter, Meagan. Hardest of all, she is forced to return to Abbey Hills, Missouri, the hometown she abruptly abandoned nearly two decades earlier–and her unexpected arrival in the sleepy Ozark town catches the attention of someone–or something–igniting a two-hundred-fifty-year-old desire that rages like a wildfire.

Unaware of the darkness stalking her, Nina is confronted with a series of events that threaten to unhinge her sobriety. Her daughter wants to spend time with the parents Nina left behind. A terrifying event that has haunted Nina for almost twenty years begins to surface. And an alluring neighbor initiates an unusual friendship with Nina, but is Markus truly a kindred spirit or a man guarding dangerous secrets?

As everything she loves hangs in the balance, will Nina's feeble grasp on her demons be broken, leaving her powerless against the thirst? The battle between redemption and obsession unfold to its startling, unforgettable end. [borrowed from GoodReads.com]

I agreed to review this book because I was intrigued to see how vampires would fit into a Christian novel. And although the vampire subplot was well done, Nina's struggle with substance abuse was just so much more gripping. Thirsty is a compelling story of how substance abuse can wreck a family, but with strength, love and the will to overcome this addiction, one can be a better person in the end. Ms. Bateman's characters are so real and full of life. You feel as if their struggle is yours, as if Nina can be someone you know, even a friend.

I was taken in from the first page and read the whole thing through (late into the night). I also loved the title - I thought it was so fitting. There is some violence - but it is definitely not overly done nor overpowering to the story and although it is classified as Christian Fiction, it is not preachy.
Thirsty is perfect all around. It is fast-paced, has wonderful characters, suspenseful and even has a paranormal twist thrown in for good measure. I really enjoyed it and I'm sure readers of the genre will too.

This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.

GIVEAWAY: 2 copies are up for grabs.

As always, leave a comment for one entry. If you'd like extra entries just say so in your comment or separate comments (extra entries for followers, Twitter, sidebars, All About {n} button, Facebook, etc.) Make sure to leave an e-mail address, especially if you are leaving comment under Anonymous.

Rules: This contest is open internationally. Winners will be drawn Saturday, December 5.


Eleni said...

Great review, this book sounds good! Please enter me, I'm already a follower :)


Anonymous said...

I would love to read this....great review....
Im a follower


Cindy said...

enter me please, it sounds really good :)


Mindy said...

I am not usually interested in Christian books, but this one sounds so intriguing. I would love to give it a go.

Virginia C said...

I am so intrigued by this book. I have yet to read a book which combines all of these strong story elements. Sounds very good!

gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.

I am a follower of your blog. I also subscribe via Google Reader.


Linna said...

I would like to read this book.

I'm a google follower.

linna.hsu at gmail dot com

Bleuette said...

Sounds intresting.

+1 I'm a follower.


Sandy Jay said...

I'd love to win this book. Thanks for the contest.

forwhlz at gmail dot com

Sandy Jay said...

I am a follower with Google Reader.

forwhlz at gmail dot com

ninefly said...

being someone who doesn't drink, I think this book would be a very interesting read =)
I'd like to enter please~


+1 follower
+1 sidebar http://angeltyuan.blogspot.com
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Simply Stacie said...

Please count me in.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Simply Stacie said...

I am a follower.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Rebecca said...

Great contest, I'm a follower.


Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

This looks great! I was going to comment ont he awesome cover and then seen it was a giveaway! :)

I am a follower of your blog

I also follow on twitter

journey through books @ gmail dot com

Jenn said...

Oooh I am excited about this one! I have read a lot of reviews about this book and it looks good.


Jenn said...

Oh yes and I am a follower! Thanks!


Cackleberry Homestead said...

I would love to win this.

I'm a follower.


Anonymous said...

I'm curious about this book...count me in...


Tales of Whimsy said...

Ooo that sounds great. Please count me in.


Tales of Whimsy said...

I'm an old faithful follower :)

Anonymous said...


Please enter me. I'm a follower.


Melissa (Books R Us) said...

please enter me


Melissa (Books R Us) said...

I am a follower


Jessy said...

Please enter me. I think this sounds very interesting.

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Jessy said...

I am a follower

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

holdenj said...

Please count me in! I read another of Bateman's series and enjoyed it and am also curious about Christian vampires...

holdenj said...

I follow via google reader. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am also a bookaholic. We have several thousand books in our house and an amazing number of them get read. What I reread most is probably The Lord of the Rings. For a really different novel coming from an unobtrusive Christian background, check out my new release, Angela 1: Starting Over by clicking on my name and following the link to my website. Thanks!

lag123 said...

This sounds very interesting. Count me in please.


Jonnie (JB) said...

I follow and would love to read this book

Mystica said...

I would like to be entered for this giveaway. Thank you for opening it for overseas readers.


Alessandra said...

Wow, please enter me! This sounds like a very good book.


Alessandra said...

I'm a follower :)


Alessandra said...

I tweeted about it here: http://twitter.com/alessandra83/status/5858256926


Alessandra said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog: http://alessandrasplace.blogspot.com/2009/11/winning-wednesday-18-nov-2009.html


Alessandra said...

I usually read your blog posts on my RSS feed reader. Does this count?


Melanie said...

This book sounds really interesting! A very intriguing concept.

Unknown said...

I liked the book too and want to see if she'll write more about Meg.

I wrote a review and linked to your post.

Glenn said...

Great review - looks like a decent read. I'd like to drop my name in the virtual hat - thanks for the giveaway.

glenn_pessano AT yahoo DOT com

Karen H said...

Sounds like a good read. Count me in the drawing please.

kkhaas at bellsouth dot net

Karen H said...

+1 I am a follower

kkhaas at bellsouth dot net

Sue said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Miss Haley said...

Enter me please!

+1 old follower
+1 tweeted at twitter.com/haleymathiot
+1 posted at http://haleymathiot.blogspot.com/2009/10/contests.html
+1 posted on sidebar at haleymathiot.blogspot.com


Aik said...

I'm a follower.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

I have your button.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...



aikychien at yahoo dot com

Milka said...

Please count me in!
I am a follower!


Reading said...

Sounds like a great read. Please count me in. Thanks for the giveaway.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Borostyán said...

I'm a follower


bianca_riot said...

thanks for posting about comp.
might i say the front cover looks hot! and so enticing, enter me pleeease!!!
+1 am a follower,
wateva_08 at hotmail dot com

bianca_riot said...

+1 tweeted about comp
wateva_08 at hotmail dot com

AStarrA said...

Ooo sounds like my kinda book, count me in please :)

Nad said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nad said...

WoW! this is a great giveaway!

Im already a follower.. and Im following you on Twitter!

My mail is: nadgee-au@hotmail.com

Thanks.. (:

Pamela Keener said...

I am a follower.

brizmus said...

This sounds incredibly intriguing! Count me in!
I'm already a follower.
The contest is in my sidebar under the Contest List: http://brizmusblogsbooks.blogspot.com
Your button is on my blog


rubynreba said...

Please enter me. Thanks.

rubynreba said...

I am a follower.

FrankSandy said...

Please enter me. walkerd@primus.ca

Ally said...

oooo please enter me!
I'm also a follower!
allygotts567 at hotmail dot com

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